Star Trek Plaques


Well-Known Member
Hey guys here is my Star Trek custom plaque. I made the Enterprise-B as a test plaque. I have a screen used plaque that is used on the show. I am using that as reference for colors and size.

The paints: I find the same paint that was used on the text and Delta. I order the paint for the background and should have it by next week. But I painted the test plaque with the same paint used on the Rod Rep Plaques.

I also own the Defiant Plaque sold on the Rod store. I have to say that the plaque dose not match the Screen used plaque. The colors and the size of the text (Relief) are off.

I will make another plaque of the Enterprise-B for me. With the right colors.
What should be my next plaque?

Note: This is not made by cutting out the letters like other fan made plaques.
Its made the same way as the plaques seen on the show.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Here is the painted versions. (Old Background paint color)
What I would like to see is a collection of all the enterprises. I don't know if that can be done....


Pm me if you think it's possible, cuz i would like details
Hey guys just a quick note. I should have the V2 of the Enterprie-B Plaque on Sat. I am still waiting for some spray paint. I just got an email from someone who worked on the show. I was told that the background paint was a custom-mixed metallic bronze-ish paint. It looked brown, but had subtle metallic sparkles. So I am guessing its an airbrush paint. I did find a spray paint that looks a lot like it. I will keep you guys updated.


Could you make a smaller version of these to go with the 1:350 Enterprise refit model?


Hey Rich I can make the plaques at any size, but you have to give me the size. I can't add all the details to a very small plaque. I can do the logo, name and matto

hat I would like to see is a collection of all the enterprises. I don't know if that can be done....


Pm me if you think it's possible, cuz i would like details

I can make any plaque. The only one that would not make right now is the Enterprise-D
If you want it to look like the versions seen on the show..Well I would get the franklin Versions of the plaque. TNG Season1-7 plaques (Non Enterprise-D) Like the Sutherland used a tng communicator for the delta. So I would have to get some casting of the communicator. I can make them without the delta and you can buy the pin and mount it on the plaque yourself.

Also I can do the TNG plaque in the same style as Voyagers Plaque, but it will not look like plaque on the show. (Buy that I mean the Delta logo)

Again I can do all era (TNG era would be more work)

If you have more questions just pm me.
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Thanks. Still working on it. I still have to a good matching paint for the background. I will order some more next week. Also I had to send back the materials for the plaque, because I was sent the wrong one. So again It will take time. I should another mockup soon.

The matrix plaque is still a wip. The text is a temp. Also can someone post a screen cap of the plaque from the first movie.

Here are some templates for the new plaques.
can you make MR style plaques?
I am not sure. I would have to see one of the plaques first.

sector 7G
Yes/No. I will have the right names on the plaque. I just used temp names to get everything setup.

Again anyone have caps from the plaque on the matrix..That would be a big help.

Thanks again
Ah! well if you get around to offering the E dedication plaque let me know.

sector 7G
Yes/No. I will have the right names on the plaque. I just used temp names to get everything setup.

Again anyone have caps from the plaque on the matrix..That would be a big help.
Are you looking for the Enterprise-E? I know that a new versions of the plaque was made for each movie.
Was that from one of the extras on the dvds? I have reference photos for both First Contact and Nemesis. I will post an b&w image soon.