Star Trek Classic Braids


Sr Member
here are some pictures... i have a bunch, and honestly forgot who gave me what, so if you would like me to take them down, or credit you for them, just send me a PM

(thanks WC for the pic hosting.)

i would like to know what y'all think... i'm clueless

what i'm wondering about the classic braids ---

there HAD TO BE some kind of pattern to them... (color wise) but the more i look over different pictures and look at my JK and KP braids i'm thinking WTH? there seems to be no pattern what so ever...

some of the dashes in the braids are bordered with darker color thread (bronze?) and some are bordered with a lighter color thread (silver?) and then there are some that are bordered with half bronze and half silver ..

the "swirls" from what i can tell have no color pattern what so ever... i would think that the darker colors would be used on the bottom of the swirls to give it a 3-D look to it... but from what i see the darker colors on the swirls are just as random....




i saw a picture on eBay from one of JKs auctions that show what *I* think looks to be the darker color thread used just on the bottom of the braids ...

i personally think that the original screen used braids were sewn onto somekind of silver leatheretter rather than the gold that braid makers are useing now a days

this really puzzles me... is there an easy answer? lets discuss ..

You're right about the colors being very randomized on the embroidery. It's hard to tell if the underlying fabric is silver, or if the leatherette has had its gold tone coating washed off by too many launderings, as can happen with that material. The braid sample looks pretty beat up, so that's a possibility.

~ GM
Ok GM I bumped this so you can post a Pic of that Nice new Tunic with the Braid on it. :D
Yep, there's your "early first season" braid, as seen in Corbomite Maneuver...


Tight braid for a tight ship. :D


- k
Yep, and the early first season braid is also going in the opposite direction from the braid used later in the series. I'm not sure at what point they switched, but it seems that by "Arena" at least the original braid was gone.

So the braid on top in this pic was used from late in the first season on, while the bottom braid was used only (as far as I can tell) in the early first season.


EVERY maker of rank braid I know of uses the later style's swirl direction, even though Katarra's thickness more closely resembles the early braid, except for swirl direction.
<div class='quotetop'>(GeneralMayhem @ Jul 13 2006, 08:21 PM) [snapback]1280312[/snapback]</div>

OK, If you insist...


~ GM
Hey. I've eaten off THAT table. Or, wait a that really just a REPLICA of the actual table I ate off of? Hmm.

Oh yeah, nice shirt too. :p
rec'd my JK braids (and insignias) afew weeks ago and they are very nice ....

not sure about the single thread over the swirl though = (

<div class='quotetop'>(nwjedidave @ Aug 2 2006, 12:56 AM) [snapback]1292273[/snapback]</div>
not sure about the single thread over the swirl though = (


Yeah. His supplier should have sequenced the stitches so that part was under the satin stitches when it's embroidered. Very messy, and will unravel if you snip it without stabilizing with fray check.
Woah...BIG Sig... lol

Yes. Fray check is a handy glue like substance to help keep fabric from fraying. Also great on embroidery and things of that nature.
On another subject. I went to your website and was interested not only in original Trek costumes, but original Galactica costumes. However, you only display photos and screencaps from those series. Do you have any pictures you can post of costumes that you have actually made? Would like to see what I'm buying before I spend the money. Thanks. I look forward to seeing pictures.
We're currently working on an original series costume for a customer, and will have more pics up when it's finished. The one I did some years ago, I never got any pictures of. The new series version we've had requests for, but no actual orders.

Because of all the inquiries we've been getting lately, we were forced to put lisings up to handle the basic info like pricing, etc., just to cut down on the e-mails we recieve every day.

Any specific details you're concerned about, please feel free to write to us.

~ GM