Staff of Ra Head Piece


Well-Known Member
Managed to get my hands on a Staff of Ra Head piece. I'm really pleased with it but I'd like to hear what other people think. I was going to order the Noble collectables piece until I read that collectors did'nt really rate it as a good replica. Let me know guys!!

Can you take normal pics of it so we can see the detail?

Do you want to know how accurate it is or what?

The Noble Collection headpiece is complete trash
I was interested in how accurate it is.
For me its fine as is and I am really happy with it but it would be good to know how accurate it really is? Personally I like the amber stone versions I've seen but I can't complain!! I'll try to get some more images on later.
I was interested in how accurate it is.

It is lacking a lot of detail in the feathers and tail feathers. The outer perimter chain is not correct. The space where the "letters" are looks a bit wavy (sculpted) and the letters look a little too large. The crystal looks to have too many facets and is a bit small (almost looks like the same size as the Noble Collection crystal). And the bottom looks to flattened.

The biggest thing is that YOU like it and that's all that matters.

Here are the comparisons of my Elstree HP, Relic Maker (which is cast off my Elstree) and the Acme Artifacts:

Looking at those Comparisons is cool! Thanks for posting the pics and the info. Gotta admit I'm a bit dissapointed now you've let me know the short fallings of my replica, Lol. I know what you mean about that flat base as well!! That would probably be me only real personal complaint about this piece other than that I suppose I'm 90% Happy, 10% Dissapointed, Lol.

Cheers mate, much appreciated!

Can I ask which Head piece you favour from your collection?
I suppose I'm 90% Happy, 10% Dissapointed, Lol.

Cheers mate, much appreciated!

Can I ask which Head piece you favour from your collection?

I wouldn't be too dissapointed. Unless you want to spend $400 to get an accurate one (Relicmakers) and IF you can find someone to sell theres, yours will be fine for a while. I remember I had a really bad HP years ago and I liked it for a couple years, then traded up. We all go through that. :thumbsup

Your totally welcome. Though I hate describing inaccuracies to members that like their prop, it's all about learning right? ;)

Asking which HP I favour is tough. My Elstree HP is obviously the best of them, simply because it is cast from the original molds. My Relicmaker HP is cast from my Elstree HP and is identical to it but also has the real Swarovksi crystals. They are both great but if I had to keep only one it would be the Elstree HP. :angel
Gotta admit I'm a bit dissapointed now you've let me know the short fallings of my replica, Lol. I know what you mean about that flat base as well!! That would probably be me only real personal complaint about this piece other than that I suppose I'm 90% Happy, 10% Dissapointed, Lol.

Don't be, at all !

The biggest thing is that YOU like it and that's all that matters.

Couldn't agree more with Brad on this.

I have an Acme Headpiece, and despite knowing exactly what is 'wrong' with it, I adore it.

Although there are more accurate ones available, like Relicmakers' jaw-dropping works of art, I didn't get one because I love my Acme :)

What more could I ask for ?


But if you are not completely happy with yours, I'm afraid you're gonna trade up later on, as it will always be nagging at the back of your mind. 'Tis the hobby curse :lol
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Nice pieces presented here. :thumbsup
I also love my ACME a lot and will keep it. I just need another chain someday. Until then my own little creation will have to do.

I've seen the Acme version before, gotta say I do like the Yellow stone on it, looks like a really nice piece.
So, I have a complete unacurate replica and Im very unsatisfied with it...

So, again someone said the noble is useless for a good collection, what headpiece then?!?

I always hear Acme, of course, it looks pretty nice, but it seems to be sold out... And RelicMakers headpiece is beautiful, but try to keep my limit at $100...
The Acme was in stock when I checked a couple of days ago, cos I was thinking of going for it! Would'nt mind a UK seller though if there is one?
So, I have a complete unacurate replica and Im very unsatisfied with it...

So, again someone said the noble is useless for a good collection, what headpiece then?!?

I always hear Acme, of course, it looks pretty nice, but it seems to be sold out... And RelicMakers headpiece is beautiful, but try to keep my limit at $100...

I have the Relic Maker (Elstree cast) and am very happy with that. You might just as well start saving for one of those if accuracy is going to bother you. Lets face it, the RPF is here to showcase and remind us on a daily basis of every single inaccurate aspect of any prop that you buy. :lol:lol:lol

Either you live with a few misplaced details or get the currently most accurate (unfortunately the details bother the crap out of me:cry).

I know every time I have tried to set a specific limit on a target piece I always end up starting the following cycle.

  1. Buy the cheaper less accurate version
  2. Complain and mull over it for a year or so (at least long enough to make sure that the item I end up buying is no longer available for a reasonable price in a run)
  3. Pay more for the accurate version later on than I would have if I joined a run.
It just seems to always go that way for me. :lol:lol
I was interested in how accurate it is.
For me its fine as is and I am really happy with it but it would be good to know how accurate it really is?

Enjoy the one you've got, unless you have money to burn for a more accurate one. I mean, acceptable accuracy is really subjective.

Remember you're on a forum that has a thread with 28+ pages arguing about a scratch on Darth Vader's face.
Lol! Now thats funny! Yeah I only paid about $20 for it so for what it cost I think its really good. I am tempted with that Acme version though!! Also looking for a sideshow Idol.