SS Colonial Movers


Sr Member
So this is one of my next projects, SS Colonial Movers. There's just something about this ship that makes me want to build it.

I have a lot of the little parts all molded up and test cast. I still need to get a few parts as well as make some of the larger molds.

Since I took the below pic, I've torn apart the trailers as they weren't properly put together (thanks Phil).



And away we go.
Always good to see another on the way!

Can I ask where you brought the castings from?

Ahha! good :)
If you are selling any castings please PM me. I'm after a few bit's to finish mine. I can see two in the pics you have posted, the Ferrari bit and the Harrier rocket pod front.

I'm in the process of putting a run of kits together. That's why this thread is moving so slow. I'm doing molds and castings as I go.
This and eight other parts hit rubber tonight:



The rest of the parts for this section will be/are cast separate. I think that it is not only easier to cast that way, but I believe that the details will look sharper when put together and painted.

I have three more kits coming in that I already received cast parts for but decided to go with the originals anyway. I also have a part from a rare kit that a fellow member lent me to cast. :thumbsup

I will be scratching, molding, and casting all week so expect more updates toward the end of the week.
The RTV for the trailers has been ordered and it's on the way. We ordered this clear and very strong RTV due to me wanting to rotocast the trailers. The boxes for the trailers will be build next week and rubber will follow.

This hit RTV last night.



Also, I started mastering the front section of the movers this week.







Sorry for the blurry like shots. I'm still learning how to use our new camera.

I have a ton of parts molded. There will be a lot of little parts that will go along with this kit. If I molded all the details in with the parts that they sit on, I think that it would lose a lot of detail due to having to fill in undercuts to make molding easier. To me, that sucks. Besides, when I build a model I actually want to build it. If I wanted something that was already practically finished, I would be building snap togethers and not garage kits.

I'm going to start the test build this weekend as well as the instruction manual.

More updates soon.
Looks great SK !

I second your choice to get as many separated parts as possible to get the right "feeling" when you see it ! Undercuts really add to the model.
Sorry in advance, I'm a horrible photographer.

This is a part right out of the mold and primed:




This is the part after I spent about an hour and a half throwing parts on it so I could use it for reference. Note that not all the parts are on there, all the parts added are from my molds, and these parts were added very fast and probably are not placed that accurately.






Here is another part right out of the mold. I didn't add any parts to this one yet. But since I'm giving an update...


I didn't get a picture of this one before I started adding parts to it.




And here is where I sit with the front master. I had to rebuild a small part of it due to reference that was sent to me. As of this moment, I'm very happy with it. I cannot wait to add more parts.


Nice updates. Looking forward to seeing more.

Just curious, what percentage of the kit is based on the known referenced parts verses parts built from scratch?

Please add me to the list of interested buyers. Just need to know the price first.
I only need to scratch a three or four tiny parts. :)


The RTV for the trailers has arrived and the boxes for the molding of them are currently being build. As soon as that is done they will be molded and I will immediately start pulling from the molds.

I did a bit more work on the front and middle modules tonight. It seems to be going very well. I need to stop by the hobby shop for the millionth time for different sizes of styrene strips. I also found two more parts on the front module that I want to mold separately due to details. I will work on them more and post an update on Sunday with pictures.
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