Spider-Man as we know him, toast?

Yeah according to this it's just Ultimate Spidey. I was going to say if they do this to normal Spidey it could hurt sales.
This has only happened about 5,000 times through the course of the comics...

Yeah, this kind of crap never sticks for more than a few years at the longest. Comics have to reinvent themselves periodically to boost sales.

What actually DOES amaze me is how these things still make headlines after the number of deaths, marriages, costume changes, etc. that have been done in all the major comics in the past 30 years.

Even if it were the "main" Marvel universe, it still wouldn't matter. They'd either just reboot the comics or come up with some reason to bring him back. There is no finality in comic books with characters like Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, and such as that and there never will be because they're cosmic cash cows slated to be milked for all eternity.
Weren't the ultimates versions meant to be the cleaner, simpler, less complicated, purest versions of the stories? Sounds like they're going straight down the path of the main universe. I thought this was supposed to be the answer to the Ben Reilly/clones/Secret Wars/50-years-of-history complications that kept new readers from latching onto these series...
Weren't the ultimates versions meant to be the cleaner, simpler, less complicated, purest versions of the stories? Sounds like they're going straight down the path of the main universe. I thought this was supposed to be the answer to the Ben Reilly/clones/Secret Wars/50-years-of-history complications that kept new readers from latching onto these series...

That WAS the idea, but also it was to lay down a new universe where the requirement for retcon is much less if not nearly non-existent so they could basically be free to take characters, that would normally not go certain paths, wherever they wanted to story-wise.
Everything 80s is new again!! Quick! Someone phone The Beyonder!!

More like the 90's.



And this may be more suited for the OT section - unless a movie tie in comes up.
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This news basically confirmed it for me, I'll be dropping Ultimate Spidey after #160. Sad to think that I won't be reading anything Spider-Man now due to the directions they've taken him these last few years.
Wow, that kinda stinks. I never got too far into the Ultimate comics but the ones I have read were actually pretty good...
I've been reading it now for the last 5 years. I think what has been done in Ultimate Spider-Man has always made sense in the long term. I'm interested to see what they do from here, but I honestly don't believe Peter Parker's either going to die or hang up the webs forever. It's always been moving him forward towards S.H.I.E.L.D and the Ultimates/Avengers when he comes of age. I think it's another bluff like Ultimatum to gain more interest in the Ultimate titles.
If they're doing this they should just do a Ultimates version of the Secret Wars. Actually that wouldn't be bad as i missed the original.