
Sr Member
How far off is the POTF 12" Speeder Bike and rider from studio scale? The pics I've seen of the ILM guys manipulating the bikes for blue sceen look close to this toy.

Just curious.

Do you have any pics of this version or a link to a place that have them for sale? I would love to see a pic of the 12" version.

No idea about the length, but I was sure some people here had one and would reply. I'll try to grab one off Ebay and measure it myself.

I can measure the Hasbro speeker bike tonight. I don't know the studio scale measurement(s), though.

I'll dig but I believe the measurements are in the Chronicles book. I maybe way off on this but I'd love to get a comparison measurement just to make sure. Please post an overall length whenever you get a chance.


Will do. FWIW, published dimentions of the studio models have proven to be notoriously inaccurate...
It would be very easy to get the right measurment if somebody have a good picture of the back, the "thruster shields" were kit bashed from the Tamiya Flackvierling kit so one could use those for size reference.

The Hasbro 12" bike is too big. Far too big. When it first came out I thought it might be the rightsize then I compared the real kit parts to the toy ant the toy is just too big.
Damn, funny in a way. I thought it might be too small. Back to the drawing board.

I believe that only one studio scale was used.

I believe only one scale was used for the speeder bike, aside from the fullscale for the actors.

I think the hasbro toy could be repainted and be made into a great display, but using it as a base for a SS model it won't work.
U sure?I thought that's what they used,along with a couple 1/12 F1 cars like the Mclaren&the Ferrari 312B..after that..I dn't know..maybe a tank kit used in there somewhere...like a 1/35 Matilda tank possibly?
Yeah, I was sure too but the shields didn't match up with the pic (the one with Luke on) that was e-mailed to me.

I could have sworn that the Flackvierling armor plates were the corect parts but the photo proved me wrong.
