Species SIL (Giger) full size costume WIP - Head Completed (Pics on Page 3).


Hello everyone,

As a second project (the bubblehead Silent Hill nurse being my first costume), I have been working on a Giger replica: Sil Species (first movie) full costume. I have done a lot of progress so far, and I can't wait any longer to show some pictures.

I am doing this costume from scratch, I bought a pvc catsuit that is currently mounted on a duct tape mannequin. I am using and sculpting many types of foam to shape the body and will finish the suit with latex and airbrushing magic. Everything is sculpted by hand. The construction of the suit is currently in progress. I still have many months of work in order to complete it.

Thus far, I have completed the sculpting of the mask and cast it in rotocasting resin. I also sculpted the back dreads and will cast them using Flex foam. I will also sculpt the hands and feet to make sure it suits me as a second skin.

Here's some pictures of my progress. The mask took me a long time to sculpt but I am freakin happy with the results!

The sculpture was made using NSP soft clay. I sprayed a clear coat of paint before casting using Rebound 25 and plaster




Molding the mask using rebound 25. I have used about 7 layers to make a strong shell. I was extremely impressed with the quality of the mold result.


Casting the mask using rotocast resin. Note: we rotated the mold manually to achieve this. After 5 layers:


Mask untrimmed:


Masked trimmed (opened eyes and nose)


Now I have to paint this baby, but as I said before I will wait until my dreads are cast in flex foam to have the full head, then paint. I will post pictures in the next weeks/months when I have more to show.

Hope you enjoyed this, feel free to comment or ask questions :)

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Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

This is quite amazing work, can't wait to see the rest !
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Ive been waiting for someone to tackle this amazing character. The sculpt of the head is wonderful!
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Thank you. This is a reaaaal challenge lol. But I have never seen (from my research) anyone doing this one. The movie may not be really amazing, but Giger's work of art is phenomenal.

My boyfriend has a full size predalien costume he made from scratch. That's what it inspired me. It will sit pretty next to it in our living room :)
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Wow, that looks great, I'm looking forward to seeing this done.
Sil and Giger's artwork was an inspiration for many of my own projects, but I sure as fudge couldn't have cast a complex face like that with what they sell in Norway. Good job on that awesome clay work.
Re: Species movie (Giger) full size costume (in progress)

I forgot to add the following pictures:

sculpture of the dread (I made a mold in Rebound 25 and will cast them in flex foam)


Sculpting arm in foam on PVC catsuit:

Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

@Dark Side Sith Lord I can tell you I was scared as hell the weekend I cast the head. It was a long process and I was freakin out that the details would not come through.

I must say that I felt in love with Smooth-On Rebound 25, the details cannot get better than this really! :)

Thank you guys for your comments, I really appreciate your time commenting my work :)
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Very cool! Can't wait to see more. This is one costume I don't think I've ever seen anyone try before.
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

@Darth Mule yeah! I haven't seen it as a costume before and I am kinda racing a bit to get it done by this summer. Speaking of which, off to the FX store, so I get my flex foam kit can show her dreads soon :)
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Saw it done as a costume once, but most of the detail was airbrushed IIRC and they used the Halloween mask that had been done when the film came out.
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

I am sure it was done back in the 90's but I couldn't track anything that was done with the level of details I am aiming for. Well hopefully this project will reach my expectations.. but Giger envision is giving me a headache.:lol
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Liked the move, and really like what you're doing here!
Re: Species full size costume (In progress)

Well well! some more progress! As stated earlier in this thread, I am making the back of the head (dreads) using Flex foam. I wanted to have something that would not be too rigid as urethane solid foam to do them. Since the back of the head is huge.. I wanted to have something that would be light to wear but also flexible.

Found what I need it in Smooth-on Flex Foam-it III. It's the first time I am using flexible urethane foam, and I must say that I love it. But you gotta whip the hell out of it and work fast, real fast. 30 seconds pot life is very quick. So here's a little WIP..

On an important note, even tho that I used Rebound 25 (almost nothing sticks to it) to mold the dread, it's imperative to use a urethane release agent, not silicone or the foam will collapse. I used Ease Release 2831 (it's a brushable not sprayable release) 30 minutes before I poured the urethane foam.

Getting ready:


After pouring the urethane foam. I used a piece of polyurethane plastic and drilled 4 holes in it to allow the excess foam to expand. Since the cheap dollarstore elastic band gave up on me, I used clamps to put it in place.


And after 30 minutes waiting... the final result !


Need to some trimming but I am super happy with the result and it's light!

1 done .. 15 to go! :confused