Space Marine Foam Build


Here issome battle damage I made the other day. It’s not perfect but hopefully I willget better with it. I didn’t coat it or anything I was just experimenting.



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So here is the deal, Mockle informed me that i may have the wrong files and im pretty sure hes right lol. So ill be staring over from scratch i have the right files (thanks to Mockle) and i oreded two rolls of foam. i just have to wait for them to get in and in the mean time i will me making templates. I am pretty sure i had the 6' 6" files. i will update when i get back on track.

The foam has shipped, should be here Monday. I have the right files and they are ready to print. hopeful I can get all the templates done before my foam gets here. I am really excited to have the right foam and templates, cant wait to get started again.

Thanks again Mockle, I appreciate the help a lot.
Glad to help.. :thumbsup


The foam has shipped, should be here Monday. I have the right files and they are ready to print. hopeful I can get all the templates done before my foam gets here. I am really excited to have the right foam and templates, cant wait to get started again.

Thanks again Mockle, I appreciate the help a lot.

My foamcame in yesterday!!!!! I have the templates for the waist down. Hopefully I canget some time to work on it. I will post pics as I get work done.
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I got some work done with the build. I have one boot and shin done and i just have to add some velcro to the stilts and they will be complete. Here are some pics.

Boot's first

shins with the boot

and this is the size difference from the one I started with.


that is a huge difference in size. at least im on the right path. will post more pics as i progress.