Source for prewired leds with a very thin guage wire

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hey guys, I need to track down some prewired leds, and while these are readily available on e-bay, the common gauge wire used is too thick for my project. So I was wondering if someone who does a lot of electronics work knew of a source for wired leds where you could select the gauge of wire used.


The multiple colored wires will be an issue unless you find someone that just happens to have the wire laying around... The main issue is that 'good' thin wire is actually pretty costly per roll about $10 each color, driving up the cost significantly for such a small number... You are looking at $30+ in just the three colors of wires...

I could make the wired LEDs up for you reasonably but they would have only one color wire, unless you want to spend the money for the multiple colors...

Also how long of leads?