Some questions about cast items


Sr Member
The thread about recasting got me thinking about casting in general and I did not want to hijack that thread.
Are items that have moving parts, like a pistol, cast in one piece to be finished as a display only piece? Or do they come cast as individual pieces to be finished and assembled for a "working" replica?
I can see doing a statue but I had never considered a multi part item being cast as one piece and then being finished to look functional. It does make sense, it would be a much cheaper way to get a display piece, assuming it was cast and finished well enough to look real.
Most film/tv prop castings for time and use, are done in one piece. Unless of course there is use for the item that dictates it being done in multiple molds. Moving triggers and such are not needed in these castings. When it comes to collectors and the market, people, for some odd reason, want a moving trigger or other parts. This has never made sense to me because it cuts the life span of said item due to moving parts on resin or thin plastic castings.

for multiple part castings a superior end product can be produced because, if done right, it can cut down seam lines making for a more realistic product. A clever undercut in a mold can also help with seam lines. An undercut is tricky and takes lots of forward thinking but when done right, the end product is spectacular.
Matsuo is one of the craziest people out there when it comes to molding and casting. Ive seen some of his castings that function as a real item, even can chamber a round, just crazy. Ive got one of his shotguns and you will swear its real from even inchs away. These are all done in multiple part molds.

This is a one piece casting. BUT, due to improper forward thinking by the mold maker, the thumbscrews were replaced.
Thnaks. I can see from your shot that you can get very real looking with a solid prop.
I knew that in the movies they often used "rubber guns" when lots of guys needed to be onscreen or the actor was running around, but not for close up, where it needs to look real. Yours does look real.
I might give one a try.

About the wanting a working trigger or actioning slide. Sometimes you want to play with 'em.
you may be surprised the amount of time a rubber prop can get. They were seen upclose in Serenity, POTC sequels, Spiderman 3, Transformers, Punisher... You just identify the item as being functional so you do not question it.