Some advice on a sculpted gas mask please

Bizarro Lois

Sr Member
I'm working on a Mego-scale custom who needs a gas mask. I've been trying to sculpt one, using the Israeli one as reference because it's fairly simple. But no matter how many times I do it, mine still doesn't look right. I took some pics, but I can't see the details very well on my monitor, because it's on the fritz. I hope you guys can see the pictures better than I can, and maybe give me some ideas on what I could do to make this look better. BTW, there's a lot of excess around the edges. All that will be trimmed off in the final version. Right now, I just have holes where the eyes go, and I plan to put clear vinyl behind those, and raised rings around the edges of the eyeholes. I also have a filter just about ready, but before I attach it, I'd like to get the shape of the actual mask correct. As you can tell, I'm not a very experienced sculptor, but would like to get better.

I'm not much of a great sculptor either but I still admire anyone who attempts at doing so lol

I'd say the biggest thing would to be to add more clay to "fill" out the look of the mask. Right now, it looks like its too "thin."

I'm assuming this is the kind of mask your going for?


If thats the case, push the eyes out more, offset them at a slight angle (pointing away from each other) add some more clay to the cheeks and forehead so it "merges" into the snout to give it that triangular-ish profile.

Also take into accout the side profile as well:


I'd also say to make your sculpt squatior and more confined.

I hope this helps!! Goodluck!

Thanks for posting that sideview. That is the same mask I'm going for. I noticed that the "snout" on mine sticks out a little more horizontally than the actual mask. It should point lower. And yeah, it's a little too long. I think fixing the eyes is going to be a big help too.
Is this going to be the DC Golden Age Sandman?

Sort of. In the 90s, Matt Wagner wrote a comic book series called "Sandman Mystery Theater." It featured Wesley Dodds, and used essentially the same origin, but he looked a little different. Instead of the purple and green costume with the more stylized mask, the Sandman wore regular clothes, usually earth-tone suits and an overcoat. He retained the fedora-type hat. The gas gun was a little clunkier too. Also, this version of Wesley was on the portly side, instead of having the traditional athletic build.
I'm working on a Mego JSA for CustomCon, and I'm making the SMT version first, and if I have time, I'll make a proper Golden Age one. I prefer this version, mostly because the idea of a chubby superhero/vigilante is a nice change. Plus, my husband costumed as this character.