Solo ROTJ Stembridge Blaster made from Production Left Overs


Sr Member
Most recent PIH catalog (#31) had this item in it (received catalog last week thru eBay).

Interesting to me:
white plastic scope mount​
brass wire greeblie at end of scope​
"small detail plate designed to cover the Mauser logo on the gun"​




BTW: Obviously a MGC Broomhandle.
BTW: have only seen 1 set of checkered Broomhandle grips (like the Stembridge version) come up for sale since I've been trolling gun auction websites (7 years).

Nice pics - thanks for scanning and posting those, Mike.

BTW, I did the buildup of that piece for Prop Store of London :D

The base gun is indeed an MGC, but I don't believe that the grips were - they were something that Brandon found (reproduction, in plastic), and I had to tweak 'em a bit to make them fit nicely.

The scope bracket is in fact white Delrin.

The greeblie at the end of the scope is not "brass wire" - I'm not sure exactly what the hell it is, but it's definitely "interesting" ;)

As for the plate covering the Mauser logo, that would be this:

Well... lemme just say that I can neither confirm nor deny that any documentation and/or measurements were taken, and even if any such action did take place, I wouldn't be at liberty to discuss it
Thanks for posting the image from the left side, Tim!

Must have been pretty cool to re-build such a rare prop
(I know that helmets & E-11's have been rebuilt/ repaired)

The plastic grips could have been
Denix C-96​
Marushin (from PFC version of M-712)​
Lindberg C-96 styrene model​

Kudos :thumbsup
Must have been pretty cool to re-build such a rare prop
Well, it was kinda' cool and interesting to handle the original parts and see how imperfect and apparently how hastily done they were ('cause there's usually never enough time to do stuff nice and precise in the industry).

Honestly, the Han/Luke blasters never did much for me - they were never on my 'must have' list, so I was never thinking "this is so cool!"

However... that being said, when I finished it I definitely thought "hmmm, this turned out pretty nice - wish I could keep it!" :lol