So, what prop is your favorite?


Sr Member
Everyone has that one favorite prop in their collection. Sure, we can look at some props, and no matter how much it pains us, we're willing to let it go. What is the one prop that you'll never sell? For me, it's my SS TPM O from Larbel.... My God, I've sold lightsabers that I've spent months on putting together, but for some reason, I could never let this one go. So, what's yours?
Absolutely, without a shadow of doubt; this...

Probably will be for a very long time, too. :cool

My Han ROTJ blaster. Without a doubt.

I parted with it once before and was lucky enought to get one back. That won't happen again.

Well, is it a prop or a costume ( I suspect the latter) but my fave piece in my collection, which I (think) I would never sell is my lifesize ANH Vader. Always a WIP, but I do love it:



The Obi-Wan ANH Lightsaber, without a doubt. When I get to attatch the Serafino emitter, and finalize this baby, I think fireworks will be going off inside my mind :)

Probably my Luke ANH MAcros-with real lenses- such an elusive prop ID for so long! Sooo much work to put it all together- very rewarding!

I don't think I'd ever part with my GW2 Pulse Rifle


or my hero Zeiram shotgun

Tough to say "never" in terms of selling (as who knows what the future holds!) but I've got a few faves, sure...

For original props it would have to be my screen used Snaggletooth costume. The original shirt and pants worn in ANH, made into a complete character display - a custom mannequin, repro boots and a custom head (all work done by me :) )


My favorite replica at the moment is the lifesized American Werewolf in London full wolf made by Pat Magee. Pat customized this one to my specs and it's one of the most impressive replicas I've ever seen!
Stunning WOLF

I have PATs 8th Passenger.

Its a tough call as to which one is my topps ALIEN. Pats is amazing but the other ALIEN I have is from the Giger moulds.... I think the Giger is my best although some days I look at hem and feel its hard to call.



and yes its quite brown as was the suit. :cool
Has to be these handmade Classic-trek "ATL" phaser pistols made by the master himself CentralRepair!

ALL OF THEM!! (Someone had to say it, :lol)

But seriously... if someone had a knife to my throat right now I'd probably say either my metal Mal's or Jayne's Firefly pistol or my Hellboy's Samaritan. It'd be a tough call between those three.
How would you ever pick just one? 99% of my props have been built by me, either from a kit or from scratch and the remaining 1% have been modded in one way or another by me.

Each one is a labor love, I don't know if I could pick a favorite.
