So, Mr. Lucas....we`re still waiting....


Well-Known Member
I am a film buff. I saw Star Wars in theatre in the original release and all the re-releases. I`ve read all the books and seen all the interviews, yadda...yadda...yadda. The two things that stick out in my memory from reading it so many times was how when you were younger Mr. Lucas you got on your soap box and decreed how you were not going to follow in your father’s footsteps and take over the family business or become a `suit`:angry. We all know about your life altering car crash, aka. Bob Falfa, etc. :eek
Well since you have become exactly what you claimed you didn`t want to become...a Corporate suit, (yeah so what your suit is blue jeans and plaid work shirts, you are still a suit my friend), well, ok...things happen in life so we will all kinda forgive you for taking the Anakin route, and YES you ARE ANAKIN! Lord of your Empire`. Fine. You get one free-bee. But what about all that talk about you being a filmmaker wanting to make small personal films....It is 2011 now and I am still waiting for your `personal little film(s)`that you have been talking about all these years. Is it a question of money....can`t be that. :confused American Graffiti and its sequel, they made money. Your next film, what was it called again...oh yeah...Space that `s not it.....hummm. STAR WARS! Yeah that`s it. STAR WARS. That made money... from what I heard anyway. You had five other films that carried on the same story as I recall. They all made money, that`s what the papers reported anyway. Then there was that 1930`s serial film that also made money. Three sequels followed as I recall. So....funding can`t be an issue Georgie-boy. When are we gonna see some of these `small personal` films you have always droned on about making! Oh wait...what am I talking about... there was HOWARD THE DUCK. Yes, a small little independent film about the life cycle of a foul-mouthed cigar smoking mallard...who wasn`t THAT foul-mouthed as I recall. I remember that making the Indie film circuit. Filmmaker magazine called it the years best low budget indie sleeper hit. Yes..wait... how can we forget WILLIOW. A documentary about Little People who were born too late to get parts in THE WIZARD OF OZ and starred that future Jim Morrison guy. Yeah. But wait a minute, you didn`t direct those. Opie from the Andy Griffith Show directed the midget one after his acting career hit the skids cause he started going bald and he bought warehouses of baseball caps. You must`ve directed those small personal films since the 1970`s till now. Someone help me out here. I don`t get the National Geographic Channel so I must`ve missed the many documentaries Georgie directed since he became Anakin and could easily bank roll his own friggin Death Star. :angel
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I can´t shake the feeling that GL is right in this moment booking a flight to Vancouver, just to show up on your doorstep to ask you where your personal little movie is :p

Seriously, I bet he has his hands full with "Red tails" Red Tails (2011) - IMDb , if that qualifies as small personal movie, and IIRC there are a few more smaller movies in development.
He says he's "working on something" so he can still claim everything he buys on his taxes at the end of the year.
I haven't any faith in G.L's screen writing abilities.He runined it for me with the last Star Wars prequels,and that has nothing to do with me trying to compare it to the first three films.The writing just plain sucked and he made good top dollar actors into ass clowns.Not an easy feat to accomplish, but he did it.In the end, the last three prequels left you with an excessively long,sci-fi soap opera with fancy CG and a mediocre script.
Lucas isn't even directing RED TAILS, but he always made out this would be a film he would direct !! I think the 3 prequels prove he can't direct traffic never mind a movie, he made 3 great films back in the 70's and that was it ! Shame really !!!
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When i hear about this, all i picture is Sandpeople in Planes......


Sweet! Should I get in line now? :lol

Seriously though. I would totally go and see that. I think 98% of the members here would too. They might not admit it. But they would HAVE to go check it out! :angel

I've been waiting since 83 for him to wow me again.

The prequels gave me the "NEAT!" feeling. But was really looking for the "WOW!" :sleep
I've been waiting since 83 for him to wow me again.

The prequels gave me the "NEAT!" feeling. But was really looking for the "WOW!"

i wish I even came close to the "neat feeling" with the prequels that you feelings were more like nauseous. sad for me and others...
Oh good, another thread to ***** about Lucas and the Prequels. We really needed another one.