"Smoke Killer" (or rather, "Kill that smoke!"

David Moeller

Active Member
I just recently got a vinyl kit off of Ebay and is permeated with the smell of smoke. I scrubbed it with dish liquid and that did not work, then with Commit. Better, but it is still there. :cry

Have any of you found anyway to kill that smell? I am amazed that the smell went through the box, into through the bag, and into the vinyl.

Thanks for the help. :D
Have you tried Baking Soda, you know the same stuff that lives in the fridge. Get a large sealable plastic container and put an open fresh box in with the kit parts and seal it up I don't know what soda will do to vinyl so keep it off of the kit.

Another idea. Do you have a janitorial supply house in town? If so give them a call and enquire about odor absorbing crystals used in heavy smoke areas, restrooms etc.

Good luck,
Hey, that's a good idea, I am going to go away this weekend, so I'll prep it and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion Malc .
