Skull Molding Tutorial--Anyone got one?


Well-Known Member
I want to mold a replica human skull to make copies to use for a Pred costume and for a display. There used to be a great tutorial on the HMA boards, but I can't find it now. Does anyone know where I can find one? It dealt with molding the skull and the jaw separately with 2-part silicone molds.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
I actually molded a human skull years ago and have the mold is a pic of the finished resin piece. The skull is hollow and the skull cap is molded seperate...was an extremely complicated mold...
You can purchase a 2nd plastic skull fom ebay cheaply. I see one for Buy it Now $16.

I am not sure if anyone would object to posting the link, but you can do a seach
for the cost of the silicone needed and the trouble of multiple molds, I would also suggest buying some off ebay. Ive molded and pulled hundreds of skull castings, save yourself some money and troubles.
Yeah, but the ones on eBay just don't look right.

And the kits, those take a ton of work to get all the parts puttied and sanded so it looks like one piece.
Well, to be quite honest, this is something I've been wanting to do, and I need to use the silicone that's been sitting in my house for a few months. I don't mind the trouble, and the money was gone a long time ago.:lol

I think I know the dividing lines I need to use, but I'm not sure how many sections I should break it up into.

for the cost of the silicone needed and the trouble of multiple molds, I would also suggest buying some off ebay. Ive molded and pulled hundreds of skull castings, save yourself some money and troubles.
Lindberg makes a 1 to 1 skull kit, currently marketed as "pirate skull" but previously sold for anatomy models. It should be available at your local well-stocked model shop for about 19.95.