SiMan RS props Trooper Helmet Build up (Detailed Pics)


Sr Member
Here is my SiMan/RS props trooper helmet that i've just finished trimming and assembling to match the orignal it came from.
I'm going to airbrush this and my other kit in a mixed Khaki paint and them clear coat over the khaki with Tamiya matt clear from an aerosol before painting them white.

Anyway, i thought i would take some detailed photos so anyone who is thinking about getting one of these can see just how accurate it is:

Here are two close ups of the cap of the second kit which i've just started work on.
I was going to build this second kit as a replica of one of a number of other troopers that this helmet would be able to replicate well, but i've decided to build this one to Match Simon's original also and paint one as a stormtrooper and the other as a sandtrooper:

What reference did you use to help you trim it, SiMan's photos?

Will be following closely, my kit's going to be a sandtrooper too.
Thanks! Its a great kit.

Note from the side on shot how the top of the nose bridge actually drops downwards before blending into the space between the eyes. Not seen this on a replica before. The sharpness of the vocoder is very nice too.

mods1965, i use a modeling knife to trim the plastic.

Hi Keith,

This is one thread I will be watching very closely.

I always love your trooper build ups as the attention to detail is always top notch.

Cheers Chris
Great work as always Keith. Assembly can make the same kit look totally different. You really know how to bring out the best in Stormtrooper helmets. Looking forward to finised pictures.

There is room on the right ear (left as you look at it) for more trimming to make a larger gap to better match Simon's original. I'm just holding off making the gap bigger for now until the last minute.
As soon as i've finished building the second one, i will be buying paints to mix the green colours. Just got the ears to trim and fit on the second kit now and the mic tips need putting together.

Thanks for posting this project, I'm a huge fan of your builds as well. My ABS kit just arrived today, so I will also be following this thread eagerly.

Looks like the old hole locations are in the pulls, were you able or did you use the old screw locations for assembling the face, cap and ears?

Looks like the old hole locations are in the pulls, were you able or did you use the old screw locations for assembling the face, cap and ears?

I made the holes in the face a tiny bit further back, but still touching the hole area.

I made sure the helmet assembles without any stress areas at all. By that i mean that all the screws fit nice and slack without pulling anything around. The ear screws are not tight at all. I feel better knowing no part of the helmet is under any stress.

Top notch work Keith.... although you really should have tried to take closer-up photographs! :p

Amazing levels of texture on the helmets' surface - are these ABS or HIPS styrene kits?

Lookin' forward to seein' them finished :thumbsup

Do you know what white you're going to go with yet, I've seen some Humbrol whites mentioned elsewhere?

I personally much prefer the milky white of the left helmet to the creamier right one.
