Thanks, I found the files for the label and put the high res .png on online. You can get it on this page - the link is below the preview picture.
I'd love to get my hands on a tallcard set and some authentic coins, if I can get a deal on them. I haven't been searching very hard though.
That would be mighty shiny of you, post 'em up. Any idea on what type (or at least size) cigar Jayne liked? I wouldn't mind picking up some cheap ones to throw in there with the rest of the tidbits.Got a tax stamp and all. I have some cigar band artwork if you would like to add some cigars to the box.[/b]
Here's all I did:
•printed that labels at about 6" in height on regular printer paper with the printer set at 300 dpi.
•cut out the labels (I didn't like the way my tax stamp worked out)
•masked off the area of the box that the labels were go on
•sprayed the back of the labels and the exposed area of the box with regular spray adhesive
•waited about a minute and places the labels on the box and pressed everything nice and flat.
•let it all dry, removed the masking, and lightly sprayed the whole box with a clear acrylic sealer
that of course was after weathering the box with a variety of paints, tea, dirt and graphite...
simple, eh? :love
Great_Bizarro...Any luck on the cigar bands?