Show Me Your Webshooters!


New Member
I'm looking for a great version of Spidey's webshooters that I can use for showcasing in my house (I'd prefer that they were also wearable). So, that being said, I want to see your shooters. But PLEASE let me know what you used and roughly how much it cost to make. Thanks! I'm hoping to see lots of good stuff from you guys :)
I used to own a replica of the prototype for the maquire shooters before they went with the organic, I'll post some pics up, not sure if your looking for that version, but they were really cool!
I can also post a pic of my webshooter - it was made have no idea. It's in it's component parts, and needs a band or some nylon webbing to hold it all together. It greatly resembles the 1970's Nicholas Hammond version. :)

Pics later. :)
Profiles in history?! Is that a current auction??

That's one of my old Hammond/70's TV show replicas. :lol:lol

You know what would even be more funnier E-mail them and demand to get that Pic out of there.

You don't want you Rep. ruined by any association with them! :D
I'd like to see it at least make the catalog before they get clued in. :thumbsup

You know what would even be more funnier E-mail them and demand to get that Pic out of there.

You don't want you Rep. ruined by any association with them! :D
Profiles in history?! Is that a current auction??

That's one of my old Hammond/70's TV show replicas. :lol:lol

Man, thats one sweet Is that a foam strap that holds the cartridges on to it?
HA! I didn't look at the date...but that's cool. I guess I have one of yours, it in a trade a long time ago.

How would I go about getting the strap to hold it all together, by the way? Is there a substitute I could use?

(sorry, don't mean to hijack).
That's a pretty old run. I used something like neoprene, but everything is 'bolt-on' so you could use anything you want, really. Cut yourself a strip of leather the width of the catridges and you're in business. :thumbsup

HA! I didn't look at the date...but that's cool. I guess I have one of yours, it in a trade a long time ago.

How would I go about getting the strap to hold it all together, by the way? Is there a substitute I could use?

(sorry, don't mean to hijack).
Here is my movie prototype shooter, loved the design, cant wait to see what they come up with for the new movie!





that thing looks awesome. its probably the coolest most life like web shooters ive ever seen, what the story on these, i never knew there were prototypes made for the movie or that they were ever serious about having mechanical webshooters.