SHORT: Strike at Dawn | production thread |


Active Member
Hello all,

I've been a member here for a couple of years now and as I'm - finally - in the process of making my own short film right now,
I thought I'd share the process and progress with some fellow film/propmakers as yourselves



June, 1944. To ensure an Allied victory following the Normandy invasion, a small group of Belgian commandos, in service of the British army, is sent out on a mission to disrupt all German communications between the beaches and the rest of occupied France. Things start to go terribly wrong as the commandos stumble upon a saddistic German officer and his troops in a remote countryside village. When the German commander is not only about to lose his grip on the town's occupation, but even on his own men, things are about to go downhill very fast...


I've been wanting to do a short or feature set during the 2nd world war for a long, long time. That particular period of modern history has always fascinated and intriged me. Why? I don't know... The events, the strategies, the different sides of the war... It often was a time when true heroes fought for our future and while that period should never have to repeat itself, we should never forget about it either.

Although I originally had the intention to make an 'historical' film, I abandoned the idea early 2010, during yet another rewrite... I sadly came to the conclusion I would never have the resources and cold hard cash to pull it all off and do it all the justice it would deserve.

In stead, I've turned it around into a mix between fact and fiction. As the setting will be historically correct - being the costumes, vehicles and props - the events and characters will be completely fictional. Which gives me more freedom to turn it into a 'good old' action movie, set during the war, with a few not-your-every-day characters and a twist.

Not comparing myself with Tarantino (not by a long shot
), but I'd like to tackle this thing in an 'Inglourious Basterds' kind of fashion.


I'd like to make good use of this thread by posting the most significant updates during the (pre/post)production process and by documenting how this thing turns out. Ofcourse, you can always visit the website of the project if you wish to stay right on top of things:


Finally, I'd also like to take the opportunity to try and generate some interest to help me find some additional funding for this project. I've started a funding campaign on Indie-go-go and would really appreciate it if (some of) you would be willing to help me raise the rest of the budget.

Either by donating yourself, or spreading the word around on the internet, amongst your friends, colleagues,... anywhere, basically.

Strike at Dawn -- IndieGoGo


Thank you all for reading and I hope to be back soon, with some updates!

Updates Feb. 2011
The website has gotten some updates about locations, make up and concepts.
Feel free to take a look. The link is behind the picture in my sig or in the first post :)
Update 03/20/2011:
Went location scouting some more... brought me to this amazing fortress, built in the 19th century.
Below is a preview, for a few more pictures, go to the website!
Update 03/31/2011:
Not sure if anyone's following this, but it's not gonna stop me :love

Scouted a new location last week, being an old authentic farm house.
Below is a preview, for the rest of the selection, head on over to the website!
Strike at Dawn - making of
I'll be watchin'!

It's looking good!

(I made a WWII-based film during my final year at film school, too.)
@CTF: Thanks :)

Update 04/11/2011:
We've got the Facebook page for the film online just now.
There will be lots more BTS stuff added on there, so be sure to 'like' it!
Just follow the FB link: Strike at Dawn
Update 06/03/2011:

Still moving ahead slowly... First shooting day coming up, in a few weeks.
The website's being redone, so that's 'under construction' for now...

A first teaser/character poster has been made available for viewing:


note: Swastika symbol is only being used in it's historical context. no more, no less.
Update 06/23/2011:

Our first 2 (of 10) shooting days are in the can!
Here are some - straight out of the cam - screen grabs:





@Strofmos: Thanks for the support and for posting that link!
@CGClone: Will do... right now...


Update 07/05/2011:

Here a some more screen grabs of our 2nd day of shooting:





Update 08/06/2011:

After having appeared on local and national TV, the crew is gearing up for another shooting day (nr. 6), next week.
Involving some major dialogue, action and an original Opel Blitz, this should be interesting...
Looking great!

Watch out for competition, the German production "Rommel" is heading into your general direction, I think the location scouts of course knew the areas you filmed in as well ;)
Hello all,

I've been a member here for a couple of years now and as I'm - finally - in the process of making my own short film right now,
I thought I'd share the process and progress with some fellow film/propmakers as yourselves


and another 3 days of shooting done, in the past 2 weekends
and what a fantastic location it took place !!!: Fort IV

only a few more to go and all the filming is done
after that it's waiting for the post-production.

Go Tom Go :thumbsup

ps: check the FB-page for updates
Well, it's finally here
The first official trailer of "Strike at Dawn"

Trailer on Youtube

Remember, it's still a work in progress

Below are also some pics of our booth last weekend at FACTS convention in Gent, Belgium

All the stuff at the booth, has been used in the movie; and the pics are from on set.



Our buddy Sonny, posing exactly like he did for the creation of the poster

Part of cast - Guy on far right is Tom, who's responsible for the project

And the promo banner, already signed by part of cast and crew
Last Saturday was the last shooting day with the cast :cry :cry
We all going to miss the fun we had, making this movie.

Now we have to wait until next summer for the release. :love