Sculpting skin pours and detail


Sr Member
Does anyone have any tips on how to sculpt skin pours / detail... obviously each pour is out of the question but how to get that look and feel of skin.

What tools, unusual tools : ) do people use?.... im having a hard time achieving something that doesn't look forced.

img_3505.jpg I know you said obscure but you could buy/make a pore tool like this one :)
Thanks for the amazing link.
Stuart Bray's video has answered everything I’ve ever wanted to know on the subject.
Has to be one of the best tutorials out there. thanks for the link to the vid.
No worries fellas. When I saw it, it really changed the way I sculpt for the better. I'm more than happy to share Stuart's fantastic tutorial. I'd really sit down and watch through it a few times, and if you can follow along. You'll be a lot better off for it!