Sculpting Predator helmet parts - How am I doing?


Well-Known Member
Well, I've been sculpting parts for my P1 helmet, just to see how they might turn out, and this is what I've come up with. What do you think? Would you buy it? I need to sand down the laser triangle a little so it fits into the housing a little better, but otherwise, I'm ok with it...considering it's my first sculpt ever and all.


Looking nice. The hose connector ribs could be made to look more like a ribbed hose just bending slightly, popping out of the helmet surface like a worm into the tree holed connector and then back into the helmet, if you know what I mean, so it looks more part of the helmet and not just an added piece.

Hmm... maybe I should check out my limited reference before speaking first... I'll go do that now, so I don't come up with foolish and inaccurate ideas. LOL... looks good and please ignore me for a while! :)
Just for completeness, here was my reference picture for the hose connector...
