Screen used c3po pictures new!!!!!


New Member
I was lucky to do a troop at Elstree last week and not only did we get to see the c3p0 mask and lukes ROTJ saber but get hands on tooo...... Tklee was awestruck and scousetrooper couldn't help but try it on.
We also got to meet the maker I never knew the eyes where turntable balance weights, I'm not a c3po expert so go on tell me you all knew :cry

Oh the lenses are being held in with blue tack (not screen used)

Heres a few of the many pics that where taken they have all been resized but if interested I have very large full rez ones.

Heres a selection.



It wouldn't fit over TKLee's beard so scouse trooper gets into camp mode.


Tonyrb (TK300) plans an escape.


great pics, did you get a chance to check out 'weird and wonderfull', they have some cool props too
yup deff want the high res ones :)
please mail to

the eyes are in backwards :lol

the eye in the hand pic looks like a new made eye, just like
the ones Russreplica makes.

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Thanks for sharing those great Pics..

How far were you from the gate when you were handling 3-PO? :p
<div class='quotetop'>(xeno @ Jun 18 2006, 03:46 PM) [snapback]1263527[/snapback]</div>
the eyes are in backwards :lol

the eye in the hand pic looks like a new made eye, just like
the ones Russreplica makes.


Even though he was the maker he can't get everything right :lol

I too thought they looked new he told me they where turntable weights the glass did sparkle a little.

If I knew anything about c3po I would have been asking good questions but I'm afraid i was a bit awestruck :)
<div class='quotetop'>(apollo @ Jun 18 2006, 03:48 PM) [snapback]1263529[/snapback]</div>
Thanks for sharing those great Pics..

How far were you from the gate when you were handling 3-PO? :p

I couldn't beleive it when they brought it in we was just left to play with it? the guys at elstree heritage where great it was a shame we didn't get chance to see the other props :cry

For those in the UK I would like to call this picture of scouse trooper Calm down. Calm down. for the rest of the world scouse trooper gets into character.


oh and TKLee looks a right minger
Do you mean Norman Harrison (who's in the photos) made the C3PO eyes, or the whole head?

Liz Moore sculpted C3PO in 1976 with modifications/refinements made by Brian Muir. The suit itself would have been completed by the fiberglass workers. Norman Harrison is a machinist who did the sabers for ROTJ.
Regarding being the maker you could be right about the eyes as that is what he talked most about, there where a lot of us there and very hectic and times that by me not being very knowledgeable on c3po I wouldn't ask the right questions.
If it was AT-AT or Vader well that would be a different matter :D

<div class='quotetop'>(Anakin Starkiller @ Jun 18 2006, 08:36 PM) [snapback]1263659[/snapback]</div>
Do you have any pics of the Luke ROTJ saber they had?


The luke saber was not screen used but was one of a few made by Norman but rejected due to an imperfection, but as we where told it is the same as the others made.
I have put a red arrow to indicate the imperfection.

Here we go

