Scenes in Trailers missing in the actual movie. (Iron Man Specific)


Well-Known Member
This is a topic that a friend of mine and I have been debating for a little while now and it's one that interests me and puzzles me simultaneously.

Often times, after being inundated by a particular movie trailer, when I actually see the movie, the snappy line or interesting scene that the advertising boys have been using to push the movie is nowhere to be found. It's weird. As I told my friend, when you're putting together a trailer, the whole point is to assemble 30 seconds worth of cuts from the film that will REALLY make someone want to get their lazy butt off the couch and go pay $13 to see the movie. Why you would cut parts of the movie out that were good enough to make the trailer is puzzleing to me.

It happens in almost every big movie I see these days, but in Iron Man, I waited all movie long to see the "You complete me!" clip where Pepper Potts kisses Tony's Iron Man helmet and then tosses it out of the plane as he dives after it. That clip has been shown in every trailer I've seen for the movie. But nope, nada, nothing. It just straight up wasn't in the movie.

Does anyone else find this strange? I mean, if you (the execs) think the scene is one of the best parts if the movie. A part that you want to show people because you think it will make them go see it, why would you cut it out of the actual film? Any ideas?
i was waiting for that scene in the movie and it didnt arrive. more than likely that perticular scene was cut because of length. it was a way longer scene with the "you complete me" than the one thats shown in the movie. we'll probably see it again as a deleted scene on the bluray
Trailers are made while the movie is still being edited--sometimes while shooting is still taking place. Thus the version of the movie the trailer people work from isn't final. It's just the nature of the game. If they waited until the movie was locked to cut trailers, there wouldn't BE any trailers, because the release date would be (in some cases) two or three weeks away by then.
Yeah, my friend mentioned that and I understand it. I guess what I'm saying is that these scenes have been selected for the Trailer because they're so GOOD. When you're looking for scenes to cut in order to shorten the running time, I would think that anything good enough to make the Trailer would automatically be kept. It seems line it would make more sense to cut scenes that the audience hasn't been prepped for and therefore won't miss. They gotta realize that after running a scene on TV for weeks that the audience is left scratching their heads and saying "Where the heck was that one scene I kept seeing on TV?".

Wouldn't you keep the "known" stuff and cut the things no one even knows to miss?
They're alternate cuts/scenes that for whatever reason didn't get left in the movie. Given the fact that Tony and Pepper's relationship is incredibly strained for most of the film, perhaps they felt it was better to leave it out.

I'm sure it'll be available on the dvd.
Thanks for the spoiler tags.

I recall this from Monsters Inc. when Mike had a one liner about his one eye that was never in the movie. First time I can really remember this.
They did the same thing in Date Night taking out the "whacking off" conversation. There was nothing good left in the whole movie.
Yeah, my friend mentioned that and I understand it. I guess what I'm saying is that these scenes have been selected for the Trailer because they're so GOOD. When you're looking for scenes to cut in order to shorten the running time, I would think that anything good enough to make the Trailer would automatically be kept.

Movies, at least good movies, are not just 2-hour collections of really cool "scenes" strung together. Something selected as eye-candy for a quick cut in a short trailer may not be, as you put it, "so GOOD" in the context of the entire story-telling process. With movies, like many other things, the whole should be greater than the sum of its parts.
The one I remember the most is in the trailer for Jurassic Park , Laura Dern picks a leaf from the tree in the jeep and it's not in the movie
The one I remember the most is in the trailer for Jurassic Park , Laura Dern picks a leaf from the tree in the jeep and it's not in the movie

You beat me too it.

A few of us were discussing the Complete me scene Saturday night, would have been a lot better than the version they went with.
Thanks for the spoiler tags.

Seriously? What's the "spoiler"? The only thing that I mentioned is a scene that EVERYBODY has seen already. If the scene with Pepper throwing the helmet out of the plane is a spoiler then you should be mad at the Studio that made the trailer.

It never occurred to me that I needed a spoiler-tag to discuss a scene that's broadcast 7 days a week, 24 hours a day on TV, Cable, and Internet. Seems to me the Djinni is already out of that particular bottle.

Unless maybe you were just so eager to shout "spoiler" at me that you didn't really read what I wrote.
I think the helmet kiss scene was replaced by
the part in the beginning where he just runs and jumps out of the plane.
Now, the one with Scarlett using Tonys repulsor...that one
was probably a scene cut that takes place before Tony gets in the suit and goes wacky
From what I remember, there was an interview with Favs where he said they considered it, but that the way they went made the opening flow better. It's a funny line, but I heard it so much in the trailers I probably wouldn't have even laughed at it in the movie.

What bugs me is when they use a different take in the trailer than they use in the film, and the one from the trailer is better. TDK had this in the scene where Alfred is explaining why Bruce is kind of to blame for the Joker's existence. Amazing in the teaser trailer, but in the take they used in the movie I thought it sounded like they were reading certain parts from the script instead of acting the scene.
Trailers today are a mess, they either have cut scenes, or give away too much of the movie. Let's face it, today a trailer for ESB would have the "I AM YOUR FATHER" scene in it.
Yeah, my friend mentioned that and I understand it. I guess what I'm saying is that these scenes have been selected for the Trailer because they're so GOOD. When you're looking for scenes to cut in order to shorten the running time, I would think that anything good enough to make the Trailer would automatically be kept. It seems line it would make more sense to cut scenes that the audience hasn't been prepped for and therefore won't miss. They gotta realize that after running a scene on TV for weeks that the audience is left scratching their heads and saying "Where the heck was that one scene I kept seeing on TV?".

Wouldn't you keep the "known" stuff and cut the things no one even knows to miss?

It's definitely disconcerting to see a scene you liked in the trailer and not see it in the movie but at the same time I understand the director's take on it. That particular scene you're referring to was originally intended to be at the very beginning of the movie when Stark is making his appearance at the Stark Expo. Favreau said that they filmed several versions and of course used that on in the trailer. He probably really liked it but he said that he/they felt like that sequence not only didn't lead into the Stark Expo appearance the way he wanted it too but detracted from what they were ultimately trying to depict. So, it's not that the scene itself wasn't good or that they didn't like it but rather they felt it didn't flow with the subsequent scenes they way they wanted.

It was the same way in the first film. Remember the party scenes around the swimming pool and all the hot women in bikinis? That scene was part of the explanation of how they got the Iron Man armor to the Middle East. Stark didn't originally fly to the Middle East in the armor but set up a big party at his mansion in Dubai or wherever. During the party when the fireworks goes off, he's jetting off to rain Iron Man vengeance on those using Stark tech to kill and terrorize people. But they decided it interrupted the flow so you can now only see those scenes in the cutscenes on the dvd/blu-ray.

I've gotten fairly accustomed to it for the most part because I know that there's always thought put into it.

One thing that really threw me for a loop that I remember really specifically was the music score used in the trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. It was a very cool piece of music and it wasn't used in the movie. I bought the soundtrack just hoping to get it and it's not included in the soundtrack either.

But such is life. Big movies have to be marketed early and that usually means changes between when the movie is first marketed and when it's released.

I've still got a little promo flyer thing (somewhere) that has a "Revenge of the Jedi" logo on it... So it's not a new development but I agree it IS disconcerting to say the least.
That was in the movie.

Not in the one I saw. I wonder if they might have cut it out of the print at my theater for some kind of uptight ratings-related reason? That's just weird.

Trailers today are a mess, they either have cut scenes, or give away too much of the movie. Let's face it, today a trailer for ESB would have the "I AM YOUR FATHER" scene in it.

Dude! Spoilers! :lol
I hate when Hollyweird does that to and I myself was wanting to see that. It reminded me how Singer pulled the wool over on the Superman fans by showing Superman over the destroyed Krypton, but when the show hit the theaters and after on DVD it was no where to be seen IMHO shameful.:angry