Rubies Plo Koon Mask


Master Member
Thinking about getting a Rubies Plo Koon mask, not much into the character or movie, but I love the design and its just a cool alien mask. The Rubies shots look good, but as always, im curious what the actual product looks like, anyone here got one and some nice pics?
My friend has one and I've helped him put it on before. Its quite well made and sturdy.

I'll post some pics soon.
ooo, very nice, i basically wanted to make sure it wasnt all mishapen or that the pointy bits were crappy round rubbe ror whatever, keep the pics comin though, cant have too many, definetly gotta get this mask...
IMO, its one of the better Rubies mask but still pretty poor quality. However it makes a perfect base for a bit of adapting and repainting :)

hmm, so it comes with no eye meshing and the spikes on the bottom, yeah they need to be connectred to the rest of the mask, not supposed to be any skin between there...otherwise, aside from some of the colors, pretty darn good. Thanks everyone :)