ROTJ ROJ BG Dornean Gunship Kit ID's help


Sr Member
I have searched through and came up empty on any positive ID's, (unless I just skimmed too fast and didn't recognize it when I saw it) so I am turning to the experts for help.

The attached images are from a few different kits that I suspect are a frame/body of a race car, a plane similar to the Bandi Shiden and possibly a Revell Phantom. But I’m not ruling anything out at this time.

The ship is from ROTJ to help give a time era. I've scaled the images, so they should be 1:1 (studio scale 1:1, not life size). Some images (first two for example) are the same part but top and side views.

What do you guys think?

Confirmed Kits:
2x - MPC Star Ware ESB Slave I #8768
1x - Guillow's 1/16 Lockheed P-38L Lightning Balsa #2001
1x - Tamiya 1/350 German Battleship Tirpitz #78015
1x - Tamiya 1/72 VOSPER Fast Patrol Boat Perkasa #79004
2x - Tamiya 1/35 German 88mm Gun Flak 36/37 #35017
1x - Tamiya 1/25 Ferrari 312T4 F-1 Champion Car #12035
1x - Revell 1/25 Volvo Globetrotter #7405
1x - Hasegawa 1/32 F-16A Fighting Falcon #1202

What do we know about this miniature...?
Model was made sometime between 1981 and May of 1983.
Referenced as the ROJ GB Ship (short for Return of the Jedi Background Ship?)
Model maker is: unknown
1983 - Ship appeared in two scenes in Jedi
1) Rebel fleet are about to jump to light-speed
2) During the space battle. MF fly's by it
1998 - Photo of the ROJ BG ship was published in Star Wars Chronicles
Referred to as the Y-Head Corvette(?)
2006 - Hyperspace contest "What's the story", Ello 137 creates back-story for the ship (AKA EU). where it was renamed to the Dornean Gunship (aka the Braha'tok & the Torktarak)

edit:added photos, cuz everyone loves photos :love
(Attached photos are the same above)
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Re: Need some Help on some Kit ID's on ROTJ Ship

I dont know if I have a problem on my side but the quality of the pics is so bad I can only see big pixels. :unsure
Re: Need some Help on some Kit ID's on ROTJ Ship

The pics are pretty low/poor quality, as I cannot find any at a higher res.

I don't know if it helps any, but here is a ruff outline of each part (least, what I can make out). Image 1 is the first bmp (new image (1).bmp), and proceeds down.
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Re: Need some Help on some Kit ID's on ROTJ Ship

I dunno if this helps or not but this pic reminds me of the tail of a P38 lightning WWII fighter..they had air intakes/scoops on the tail booms..

And this one..I'm not sure if this is just the one above from a different angle or not... reminds me of the belly intake of a P51 Mustang, it looks like there's the flap/door that opens further back. Also the part with the red arrow looks like a part of the stand for the AMT Slave One. I haven't looked at the kit for a while, but it looks familiar..I could dig it out and take a pic if you like..

Are these pics from one of the background ships from the rebel fleet in ROTJ ?


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Re: Need some Help on some Kit ID's on ROTJ Ship

...the tail of a P38 lightning WWII fighter..

Awesome! thanks

And this one..I'm not sure if this is just the one above from a different angle or not...

it is
...Also the part with the red arrow looks like a part of the stand for the AMT Slave One

it is the slave 1. that's the one kit I do have

Are these pics from one of the background ships from the rebel fleet in ROTJ ?


is there a larger scale of this plane? I believe that the tail boom intakes are around 3" in length (2x the scale shown)
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Re: Need some Help on some Kit ID's on ROTJ Ship

That's the Braha'tok-class gunship (aka ROJ BG Ship), here's a link,

Braha'tok-class gunship - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

You'll also need a couple MPC Slave I's, there are two sensor dishes, one on each side, and possibly one on the back end. The front end is made from the wing cowlings that are on the side of Slave I. You can also see the Slave I's wings on this ship, and on the top.

There's a picture of it on the opposite page of the table of contents in Sculpting a Galaxy.
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Re: ROJ BG Dornean Gunship Kit ID's help

Correct, I'm plan on building the ROJ BG ship.

The first positive ID is the MPC/AMT Slave I 2x

The ship measures a little over 1'-9" in length
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Cool !....on the three pic set, again not 100% sure but, top pic just aft of the P38 section, there looks like there could be some F15 intakes maybe...dunno kinda reminds me of that. And bottom pic at the rear end there looks to be a sidewinder missile rail..

Cool !....on the three pic set, again not 100% sure but, top pic just aft of the P38 section, there looks like there could be some F15 intakes maybe...dunno kinda reminds me of that. And bottom pic at the rear end there looks to be a sidewinder missile rail..
Thanks for the help :):thumbsup


Just noticed all those parts hanging off top and bottom of those pics above must be parts of the slave one kit too. Specifically the wings. And the dishes either side are from the slave too. Used the whole kit pretty much didn't they?!
Very interesting subject !

Now that's true kitbash ;) Good job so far, not so easy to ID parts from those low rez pics, but they're better than nothing and are still a good base ! Keep up the good work !
Wow! And I thought I hated the MPC Slave 1 kit! Cool so far!!!!

The only thing I can see besides the Slave i parts is that the neck (suspected P38 intake/tail) is made up of two identical parts glued back to back symmetrically.

That's what I am seeing too. Hopefully then I should only need one P38 as it has two tails:love
May sound like a dumb question, but are the AMT and the MPC Slave1 models the same?
Other than that, very interesting thread. Will follow this closely. Keep up the good work.