Rip Torn arrested for breaking into bank with weapon..

Aw, Artie...

RT has a recurring role in 30 Rock, so it's not like he's fallen on hard times financially.

He's always been a pretty scrappy dude, but a drunken bank hit is definitely taking things to the next level.

Errol Flynn would be proud.
honestly, this kind of bull **** is stupid, i hope he gets just as much jail time as anyone else would did the same thing. actors are a bunch of spoiled ass holes for the most part.
honestly, this kind of bull **** is stupid, i hope he gets just as much jail time as anyone else would did the same thing. actors are a bunch of spoiled ass holes for the most part.

Gathering from Rip's advanced years and his evident alcoholism, he may be drifting in and out of periods of dementia. I hope that the court orders him into some much needed treatment as part of his sentencing.
Don't panic it's a celebrity he'll get a tap on the wrist and be told to go to another rehab program just like the previous two convictions for drink driving.
actors are a bunch of spoiled ass holes for the most part.

Yeah, but they're an entertaining bunch of spoiled... etc.

In RP's case this sort of activity goes back decades. The fact that his career has endured this long is indicative of his talent and screen presence. Given his hardcore boozing he's lucky to be alive.

He's had some great moments, though. Remember the "Little Brains" bit from Defending Your Life?...

Great stuff.
crackheads are entertaining as well, should they get a slap on the wrist if they walk into a bank with a gun?
He's had some great moments, though.

All thrown away when an actor breaks the law. <-- I'm speaking generally not specifically about Torn.

However in Torn's case, if the man truly has dementia he needs to be in a hospital or some other form of controlled care- he broke into a bank with a loaded gun for God's sake!

What happens when he thinks his neighbour is the Devil?
