Re: Return of the Living Dead Zombie Barrel Build
Well, here's the barrel I'm currently working on. For some reason I can't seem to find any 55 gallon barrels with removable lids here with the pour spouts built in, only without. So I bought one I found that has them, and then chopped off the top with a saw. I also drew the viewing window on the top and then cut that out too.
Since I'm going to place a panel over the hole that has the bolts that hold the plexi-glass, I drew the hole extra wide so it could be made accordingly.
Here's a few shots of it so far. Next, I'm going to sand the edges, draw the top cover template to saw from MDF, and then sand the whole thing.
A guy who built a really cool one on the Halloween board said that I'd need a special type of plastic primer. Apparently he had a hell of a time getting the paint to stick to the barrel, which isn't hard to imagine.
Oh, and does anyone know if the Tarman head and hands are still available?
This was also the only barrel I found that had a special ring around the edge (my guess is for grip) that had a design somewhat similar to the movie.
I'm planning on doing this in the style of the second movie with the key-panel, and the modified top lid with the knob at the center.
Two questions though. Firstly, there's two stickers in the films. In the first movie there's a white one on the bottom of the barrel. Pretty sure its a triangle. The second is above the key-panel in part two. Can't read either of them though. I think the second says something like instructions for the key-panel.
Is there someone who could figure out what they say? I think the first is on Blueray now.