Repairing/replacing a broken acrylic lightsaber cover

cayman shen

Master Member
I got an MR Anakin ROTS lightsaber today, and the acrylic cover arrived broken. Not scratched, cracked, I mean a chunk snapped right off.

The package was insured, but that hardly helps me have a nice display. I've contacted kodofett about a replacement and am waiting to hear from him. But what are my other options? Can acrylic breaks be fixed? Does anyone sell (or want to sell?) just the cover?

Help! :cry
Since the cover is made up of separate "panes" of acrylic, it's possible that as long at the chunk is from just one of the sides you could remove it and install a replacement.

-my 2 cents
The issue is the adhesive holding the panes together, you COULD use a small wedge to get it off, like a small flathead screwdriver. Then again you could always cut it out :love
Sure it's glued together? My Vader MR broke its out cover at the base; the LED, foam, and base are not glued. The base was two screws inside the grip, just go to a plastic supply store and ask for an acrylic tube. Bring the old one. Drill two holes, glue on the end cap and that should be it.