Removing superglue residue from ABS

...eeech.... :confused

It depends what kind of plastic. Usually thinned out alcohol (and not beer) works, but again it depends on how much glue is involved, or what kind of plastic. Sometimes alcohol (again NOT beer) will melt the plastic.
Give your local hobby shop a call, most super glue makers also sell a remover/solvent which in most cases will not harm the plastic but make sure do a test in a small area first.

It's a pretty small smudge where I managed to get a tiny amount on my finger as I was glueing down the mohawk on my SDS TIE. I did think of using some sort of alcohol, but was also concerned about it melting the plastic...

<div class='quotetop'>(gojira61 @ Jul 31 2006, 03:45 PM) [snapback]1291212[/snapback]</div>
Give your local hobby shop a call, most super glue makers also sell a remover/solvent which in most cases will not harm the plastic but make sure do a test in a small area first.


Cool, thanks - I'll give that a try
<div class='quotetop'>(rigormortis @ Jul 31 2006, 12:44 PM) [snapback]1291245[/snapback]</div>
To be quite honest, if it's small, simply polish it out with Novis plastic polish (or toothpaste).
That's a good call too. If it's real small polish it out.

If its not acrylic capped ABS, you can sand it as much as you want with wet and dry paper. Then remove the scratches with T-cut and polish.
If it is acrylic capped, you can still sand it a little, but you have to make sure you don't wear through the layer of acrlyic.
