Re-watched Indy 4. Sorry, I like it.

cayman shen

Master Member
So my kids haven't seen the Indiana Jones movies. Since they're young and easily scared, I figured KOTCS was the best Indy flick to start them off on, as it's the least creepy/violent IMO. Along the way I got to pause and teach them some Cold War history, so that was cool (my nine year old: "I'm not a red, I'm a red, white, and blue!" Adorable).

I'd seen the movie twice before, once in the theaters and when it first came out on DVD. My reaction on first viewing was "okay, B-." By the time it came to DVD I think the internet had kinda soured me on it, and I didn't enjoy it at all.

But last night, I gotta say, I had fun watching it with them. Yes, it feels different, and the CG gopher/ant/monkey stuff is too bad (though now that I know it's coming it's less offensive), but it's nicely directed, well paced, well acted, and it really evokes the era. I think Blanchette as the villian is a hoot.

And I've said it from day one, I like the fridge nuking. Love the whole test site sequence. Him in that creepy town is one of my favorite Indy moments.
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While the execution didn't work for me, I still stand behind the concept. I think that the idea of "Indiana Jones in the 50s, fighting aliens with his greaser son" is better than the movie itself.

For me, though, the Marian relationship did not play, and even if the topic and flights of fancy were not nearly as objectionable to me as they seem to have been for others, that relationship was made so central as to really damper my ability to enjoy any of the other aspects. That being said, there are strings of isolated sequences I enjoy, that feel just as much Indy as any from the other movies.

I found myself wishing they had taken the Rocky Balboa route, and built into the concept the idea of an aging character. None of this really seemed to be factored in to his performance as a hero. He was doing things with that whip he never had before. :lol He was like Spider-man with that thing.
I didn't love it but I didn't hate it, personally. Actually I kinda wouldn't mind watching it again after you bring it up...I only saw it in theaters upon release :)
I actually enjoy watching KOTCS.. If I can get past someone's heart being ripped out of his chest and still be alive, I can easly get past some of the scenes in this movie
I remember it differently...

The more I watch it, the more I like it.

I did NOT like the portrayal of Falco as I thought it was too cartoony. I won't mention swinging monkeys either, but I am generally with you. NOT as bad as people make it seem.
We forgive you. ;)

I thought it was bad, but not Prequel Star Wars bad. On the same level as TOD for me.

Oh see TOD is easily my favorite one! That is one whacky, screwed up movie!

Even Shia didn't bug me as much, and I loathe that kid (although I think it might be guilt by association from Transformers more than anything wrong with HIM per se).

I think this is a case (and I experienced this with the Matrix sequels) where seeing it on the small screen helps you to get over some of the iffy effects (like the ants). It's not as in your face on a TV set. As for the writing/story issues, my first impression was that there were too many things going on (psychics, area 51, el Dorado!) but it actually all ties together, at least as well as TOD. And if I can accept magic Thuggees I can accept psychic Soviets.

Of course, there are parts that don't feel "right," but many of those I'm going to attribute to the age difference. Yes, I'd love more practical effects/miniatures instead of a CG transforming temple, but you can hardly ask them to go backwards effects wise.

The ONE thing I can't forgive is the eyes in the skull on the wall Scooby-Doo moment. But hey, it was 1 second in a two hour movie. Nothing in the other Indys made me wince like that, but so what?

I LOVE that South Park episode. Stupid Netflix streaming censored it. Screen goes black for the whole..."assault" scene(s):angry
It's not as bad as i could be, and not really worse than 'temple of doom' . Cgi and 'movie physics' bug me from time to time, but It's a decent memorial to a great hero. I can't see no reason why Indy's father would have died so early after drinking from the Holy Grail though.