Ralph McQuarrie Concept Snowspeeder. My first ever Scratch build

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Guy Cowen

Sr Member
I have been wanting to do a scratch for over a year now but it has always seemed impossible to start. I have tried small things in the past but always backed off when it looked like SH**, I have been looking through all the amazing threads by Lee, Julien, Michael, Al, Rich, Neil, Matt, Jason, Rob, Lasse & every one else & at last I got of my arse & started.

It took me a while to work out what to do as it had to be quite simple to start with, Neil suggested a DS laser canon & I was going to do that then I spotted a pic in The Art of Empire book, there is around 3 small pics of concept paintings that RM did with snowspeeders in them, each slightly different. I've decided to make a variant on all these pics.

I've been trying to draw plans for a few days but it just seems to get harder when I tried to map it out. I decided the size of the front section & just went from there in the end. I started this yesterday & am pretty pleased so far.

The front end is the same width as a piece of A4 paper so you get a sense of the scale.

Already I've learned how not to do stuff & given this task again would've done it differently. Its a bit wonky here & there and made from ABS & styrene so far. I was going to just add black glass to the windows as its very scruffy inside but may try to clean it up & detail the interior at some point????
Pics are from my phone so a bit naff, sorry
Dont be too harsh on me?




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This is one of my favorites! Of course along with just about every other McQ Concept... and Joe Johnston!

Guy..... I can't wait to see more my friend!
Looks to me your off to a great start Guy, nice and clean you should have no problem!!:lol:thumbsup I am not sure if the concept pics on page 47 of
The Art Of the Empire Strikes Back, are the same as the pic on page 54?
I do like the design on page 47 better if they are two different designs?:lol
Michael, its a mish mash of all the concept speeders. I'm already regretting not doing proper plans, heh ho! Its about an inch too short but I aint ripping it apart :0

I used 2.4 mm ABS for the front top & back & various sheets of Styrene 1.5mm to 2mm elsewhere. The joint look great on the outside but the inside is a different mater, I just cant get the joint angles tight. I know using 2.4 ABS was a little strange but I really wanted it to be rigid as I'm not confident with the thinner styrene yet.

I have no idea how to do the laser barrels yet but I'm sure it will come to me.

Its all a learning curve for me & already I'm 10 steps ahead of myself from yesterday.
Thanks so much fellas, it really helps when you know you have a support network.

A few updates, & wrapping up for the night


Looks cool but I am not sure what the original design even looked like.

You have any pictures of the original design to post so we can see
the goal your looking to obtain.

What ever it is, your off to a great start. :thumbsup
Just keep it clean, so in the end it has a chance to get one of
those killer paint job's!:love:thumbsup

It doesn't have to be perfect, but keep all the angles
the same on each side that goes for sub-assemblies also, scribe your panel lines clean,and you have done a lot towards a nice looking build!

Your detailing already looks great, build the model
since it's your first scratch-build, towards your strengths
like painting.If you are going to have panel lines scribe them
in a way that will allow you make them shine once it's time to paint,
the same goes for the detailing!

Hey sooner or later you just have to try, even if you do have plans
eventually it's glue to plastic!!:lol

P.S. Sent you a PM
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Quick update, all the proportions are well off & the windows need tidying but I'm having fun.






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When it's complete or when you are happy with it, send an email to Stan Stice and John Scoleri at Dreams & Visions. They'll most likely show it to RMQ.

It's awesome, btw.

Doesn't look like your average 1st time scratch-build to me.:lol
I think it looks like the deal Guy nice progression!

I agree - this is looking great Guy.
I've always loved the Sketchbook / Portfolio designs, and you're obviously doing this design justice!
I love it...a constructive criticism however: the hull sides should protrude in front, like the studio model (it should have the prongs, mandibles, whatever, like under where the front of the cannons sits, with the center below the cockpit recessed). You can see it in the smaller background speeder. An easy fix I'd think, if you even want to bother.
Hi there, I was reading your thread today... great job.

Your build reminded me of a Star Wars vehicle that came out during the POTF2 toy line. Kenner called it the "Airspeeder". I believe it was based off Ralph McQuarrie's concepts of the snowspeeder. Anyway I've attached a pic, maybe it will help you with the shape of the hull.

Good luck.
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