Questions: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver Measurements/ electronics/ blue cap?


Sr Member
I am still working on reworking my version of Tennats screwdriver, but I was hoping some of you can chime in.

Does anyone have the diameter and breakdown of length of MFX repilca?
Is there a source for the blue domes?
Is there an easy way to do a simple LED light?


Does anyone have any information or a source for the end cap found on David Tennant's screwdriver outside of the character options toy (the toys are becoming too hard to come by now. It does not help when your roommate throws it a way either).

I didn't know if anyone made resin caps, or have found any other options available. I tried sculpting one, but it didn't come out right.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

They've just re-released the CO version, so you should be able to pick one up from Tescos at just £5.99 at the moment.
Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

I wonder what the actual part was, the rumours is that it was a marker cap?
Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

That is what I heard, but I haven't found anything close...
Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

I wonder what the actual part was, the rumours is that it was a marker cap?

According to Robatto it was all scratch built. The only found items on the series 1/2 sonic, were the lens and inset button. I think the pen cap idea was one of those rumours that persist forever, like the one about the toy being used in the programme.

There must be some people who have a spare cap around though, the toy did come with two. Maybe you should post an ad in the junkyard. One will turn up.
Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

There must be some people who have a spare cap around though, the toy did come with two. Maybe you should post an ad in the junkyard. One will turn up.

I may have to do that. I need two, at least one for sure. I had the toy version that I was going to sell in the junkyard, but the girl I was living with thought the box was trash and threw it out.

Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

there are dozens of them on ebay, and they can be found on the web easily. I'm unsure why you think they are hard to find.
Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

PM'ing you shortly.


Yes, the whole sets can be found on ebay which I am aware of. I am only after the caps. The ones that I was finding were listed in the UK or Australia. They just did a re-release of the screwdriver as well with Tennant and Smith on the cover art under the classic title.

Re: Doctor Who Tennant screwdriver end cap

I'd like to know where the black end cap came from as well. Where's ratchetrex? He's the guy that finds things like it's nothing.
I picked up some of those acrylic cabochons linked in a different thread and they're the perfect size. I just have to grind out the inside to fit the LED inside and glue it onto the prop. However, they definitely aren't big enough for the CO toy.

Is there a link to a site selling the sonic for $10? Everywhere I look it's more like $25 and I have yet to see the one with Tennant and Smith on the box.
I haven't seen any for ten but the Journal of Impossible things comes with the Master's ring now instead of a sonic.
I'll post pics tomorrow after mine comes.
That's cool, but probably just cheap plastic, huh?

Yeah, it's like those rings they have for the Green Lantern series. (If you know the ones I mean :lol I'm a super-geek) it's painted silver and the etching? is painted on. Still, it's not terrible for the price and a good costuming choice until the proper replica is available.
Heres a pic but so I don't hijack yours, I'll start my own thread to show off my new toy.