question BB Ninja Armor


Active Member
Was doing research on the LOS Armor from Batman Begins and hit a stump in the road. The section of armor on the shoulder has a slight arc and is gouged in the center to allow the bend.

Is it me or is the S.Armor is rounded or is it cut to give the appearance?

Can someone shed some light for me. PLEASE. :confused

Here's a pic of what I did find. It was brown at first and I deglazed it and dyed it black. Just need to put some finish on it and start working on the Shoulder armor.


Rudy G.

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Originally posted by DrStranglove@Jan 4 2006, 02:25 PM
They do a lot of stunt armor in rubber now too.  Could it be rubber?

DOH. :confused Might be, did not think of that.

Rudy G.