QMX Firefly Fishing Thread


Sr Member
In the latest edition of the QMX Insider it made mention of them having obtained the license to Firefly. I had seen the Firefly logo on their site a couple of weeks ago so I kinda figured they had the license. In any case, they promise new stuff from the 'Verse.

So, what does everyone think we'll see?

Aside from more paper props of course....:)
sadly, i don't have high hopes for any actual non-paper props coming out. they've only made one real prop (Mal's pistol) so far and i don't see that changing with the new license.
Hey, I have a great idea! Why not put them both in the same package? That would make my day!

Oh, they could....but they'd have to fold the map. :$

Of course, the map was a freebie, so I guess we can't complain TOO much.

I for one welcome our new alien overlords and I hope they bring us many years of shiny props from the Verse. As long as they're not paper.....seriously guys.....enough with the gorramn paper props.
I am with Bronson BB, a working recoder and PALs would be a great addition. But I doubt that they will come through.
Psssht. You guys think you're disappointed with QMx? You should ask any of the original crew that did work for them and got them to where they are, heh.

And though it was naive, ohhh what could have been, LOL!
Trust me, there's GOING to be Props... ;)

Quoted from another board:

"At the Firefly Convention yesterday QMX announced that they won the Firefly license. Upcoming products include:

Mal's Pistol - A metal Firefly version of the pistol cast in brass from the original pieces.

Tall Cards - A licensed set of Whitefall's tallcards.

Mini Serenity Key Ring - A lil' metal Firefly for your keys.

Scaled Mule - A pre-painted snap-together kit of the Serenity version of the Mule.

Licensed T-Shirts - First up is the movie Troublemaker shirt, and they are working on series designs.

There was also chatter about them producing a Boo, a Mare's Leg, possibly Vera and more maquettes.

They also won the Dr. Horrible license, so we can expect to see maquettes and props from that series too.

I'm sure there's some other stuff I'm forgetting, but that's the headlines!"

QMx has grown a "dead" franchise.
Their business model may not appeal to hardcore prop collectors and replicators,
but it IS growing within the means of most Browncoats.
I'm not really into swag, but cute sayings about the show/movie appeal to many Browncoats.
So, the T-shirts ABOUT the 'verse sell.
Tho' I have to admit, I think T-shirts from IN the 'verse would sell, also.
(The Jayne shirts, obviously.)

The expanded 'verse stuff is drawn from the creative background info used to make the show and movie.
This info would otherwise never see the light of day.
The Firefly blueprints and the 'verse map are HUGE in my mind.
They bring a reality to the 'verse that is outside Joss' normal creative range.
("If you ask me another science question, I'll cry"; Joss quote. Or, "See the blinking lights; science.")
Joss created the magic of the 'verse; QMx let's you hang it on the wall.

Also, QMx has listened to the customers.
The 12th Cavalry patch as an example.
I sent a review listing the small size as an issue.
They posted the review and improved the size and detail on the patch on the second run.


The QMx Serenity replica was a choice that doesn't work for me, but I don't fault them for choosing the compromise-free route.
And, a part of me is glad its not just being knocked-out in China.

QMx has drawn in much of the creative talent in the 'verse, enabling them to work within the safety of the IP license.
Whitefall, 11th Hour, Black Market Beagles; all stellar names from the early, underground days of Firefly Fandom.

My hopes are for the best.

Yeah, they have really filled the niche for the expanded universe-centric Browncoats, who are super vocal and voracious for everything from the 'verse, no matter how seemingly trivial. Pretty smart of them. With the current economy, it makes sense to keep things super-narrow and soft goods/low run-oriented. Hopefully as things improve economically, they can branch out.
Yeah, they have really filled the niche for the expanded universe-centric Browncoats, who are super vocal and voracious for everything from the 'verse, no matter how seemingly trivial. Pretty smart of them. With the current economy, it makes sense to keep things super-narrow and soft goods/low run-oriented. Hopefully as things improve economically, they can branch out.

I don't care for some of QMx's expanded 'verse stuff.
I particularly don't care for the idea that the Mal pistol can fire
both conventional ordnance and is a battery powered rail gun.

My preference for expanded 'verse stuff is either
A: things like the map that are drawn from otherwise unavailable background material, or
B: things far removed from the hero characters and story,
like the Cerebus gunship and 12th Cav patch and shirt.

Quoted from another board:

"At the Firefly Convention yesterday QMX announced that they won the Firefly license. Upcoming products include:

Mal's Pistol - A metal Firefly version of the pistol cast in brass from the original pieces.

Yeah...that's gonna happen. I seem to remember going down this road a few years ago....oh wait....I preordered and prepaid.....oh yeah....it was vaporware and I got my money back.