Q: Length of Vader cape in ESB?

Looking for some responses here. How long of a Vader cape would you go if you were to make an ESB Vader display? Would you have it go all the way to the floor? A couple inches up? Dragging slightly on the floor? Looking at screen caps, it looks like there are some scenes where he is right to the floor (Vader talking with the bounty hunters). But there are other scenes that look like it is a few inches shorter (guessing those are more for stunt scenes). They appear when Vader enters Echo base and while he's saber dueling with Luke in the Carbon Freeze Chamber and Bespin gantry.

If you're never going to wear it and it's for display only, I would have the bottom edge just touching the floor. Just like the scene at the end of the film where the Falcon hits lightspeed, Vader is pissed and walks off...the bottom edge is just touches the floor as he walks...
Like you said on Hoth its really short and later its alot longer. you have to decide which look you want to replicate as there is no "one" cape length in ESB.
I think the appearance of the cape length can vary accoring to the position. If he has his knees bent slightly at all it can make the cape seem longer and vice versa if he is standing up perfectly straight.

I agree with Thomas and say about 1/2 inch on the floor should be ok.