Pulse Rifle Rack...with glowing acid...


Master Member
Client asked me to paint one, and suggested using Glow pigments. Painting it with the pigments, would not work as well as casting it with the pigment first. So, I mixed some pigment in the COLOR MATCH RESIN without any dye, and "painted" the molds where the melt resides.
After a good day of drying, I pour the COLOR MATCH RESIN with the black dye over it. Then painted some highlighted after demolding, and cleanup. The picture has a black light Just behind the camera, but I was pleasantly surprised how well it keeps the glow. Even is normal light, it looks really cool.

This is how it turned out.

What do you think?

Rifle Rack Glow.jpg
Looks pretty good. I wonder how it would look if it had a heavy dose of aluminum powder mixed in with the pigment.
My comment was not to disrespect what the client wants it was just a thought about what could be. That glow in the dark stuff around the edge with a more aluminum powder mixed with glow in the dark pigment look in the center of the melted spots could look cool. Not trying to diss what you have done just giving idea for other options.
No worries mate! Didnt take it that way. There is alot of gold and silver highlights...just hard to see with this pic