Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t ADRESS UPDATE!!!


Sr Member
This Saturday, Nov. 20th Propworx will be having a garage sale to clear out alot of set decoration before we move to our new warehouse, we will have things like puddle jumper benches, wall facade's, alien tables, chairs, desks and ton's of other stuff, most will be going for $20 apiece, tons of stuff for very cheap. Stay tuned to this thread for further info regarding address and time!
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Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale This Sat. Orange County CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!!

Doh, local only and not on the web? sucks to live in the midwest
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale This Sat. Orange County CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!!

Pity me in good aul Ireland :S
Would love to be there, planning on converting most of the soon to be prop room into a Goa'uld theme so facades would be great.

If anyones going this would they mind popping me a pm? Wouldnt mind throwing a few quid someones way to get something for me and im sure shipping would be worth it.

Oh and pics when it happens would be sweet :D
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale This Sat. Orange County CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!!

Why I live in France !!! :cry

I sit possible to ship some pieces ?
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale This Sat. Orange County CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!!

yeh, same here, for living in the UK!! :(
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale This Sat. Orange County CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!!


The sale will be this Saturday, Nov. 20th. Some things that we will have available are:

•Atlantis conference table, large table woolsey brought to Altantis during season 5
•Large Gou'ld wall panels, we haven't offered these before
•Puddle jumper benches from Atlantis
•Gou'ld throne chairs galore
•Large replicator table, used by weir and other main characters, like fran, McKay used it, lights up.... Awesome
•O'niell furniture from SG1 and Universe
•8 foot blue Atlantis wall facades
• Jaffa rebel tent poles and tops
•Atlantis large real glass panels
•Carters Atlantis bookshelves

And lots more as we go through our stock!

You will need a big truck for most of these things, so come prepared, cash only, and you have to take these items away with you, we will help load your truck if need be, but we will not hold these items for you or store them. Everything is first come first serve, so when it's gone it's gone.

The sale will take place at 10am sharp, and I will post the address this Friday morning.
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

Wow, very nice! :D Lets hope someone snaps some pics.

How large are the large Goauld wall panels?
If anyone whos going wants to pick up a couple of large goauld wall panels for me and make a few $$ in the process for their help let me know
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

The gou'ld wall panels are very very cool, they were actually featured as the main large panels in the alliance temple in Stargate Universe, so there's a bonus.

Pricing will range from $20 upward for the larger pieces, but seriously, the stuff id going to go for cheap!
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

So not fair that i can't get out there
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

It appears this sucks for a lot of us and is only geared to those who can get there in person. Happy shopping and congrats to those that are in that area and can make it.
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

sounds pretty cool, I might drop by to see all the cool items
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

Any smaller stuff? Zar guns? Stafs?
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

I thing not. They will put this type of items on the storefront or Live 2...

If one person who will go there can take a goa'uld chair for me, I will be very appreciative.
I'm ready to pay $$ for treatment & shippings.
For shipping, I propose to cut very properly the chair on different parts for an easyer shipping (to France).

Equally interested by a little par of goa'uld wall (easyer to ship too).

A piece like that would have a good place on my association's museum during con'. :)
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Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

Unfortunetly it is a los angeles area thing, im very sorry for everyone who cant make, it was a last minute, "lets just have a garage sale" thing. There will be no zat's or any small props, just larger set pieces, as they take up to much space in our warehouse.
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

Man, if you're an LA area Stargate fan with a mansion, this is going to be your day! :lol
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

Anyone that does go, remember to take a camera to document the loading/outside of the propwrox building. Per the Propworx website no COA's will be issued for garage sale cash and carry items so if you're wanting lineage proof down the line when/if you go to sell you'll need the pictures as it looks like you may not even get a receipt.
Re: Propworx Stargate Garage Sale Sat. Nov, 20t Orange County UPDATE Time, Descriptio

damn I would have bought enough walls to do a room!