Propatorium 2007 at Marscon


Sr Member
Some of you may have heard or remembered that this past year at Marscon in Bloomington, MN, we had a prop display room. It came off very well, we enjoyed it, and we're gluttons for punishment, so we're doing it again next year!

Marscon 2008 (10th year) will be at the Holiday Inn Select by the airport from February 29 - March 2. Guests will include Eric Avari (Heroes, Stargate, and a bunch 'o other stuff). It's not a huge con, more of a relaxacon than a hard party con, but it's a lot of fun. Their website is here:

There are some good pics of this last years Propatorium and con. Here are Neosporing's:
and here are Mike's:

We haven't entirely figured out everything we're going to do yet. We'll probably have a few prop panels, and probably some sort of contest, although whether the contest is a treasure hunt, raffle, trivia, or best in show, we don't know yet.

We had a really good turnout from the Minnesota area crew, and some of the people from out of state or up north had a pretty good drive on their hands! But they brought some excellent props to put on display (Pulse Rifle, USCM armor, sabers, Bladerunner gun, Starship Trooper uniform... zoinks!). But we're planning on being bigger and better this year! We may try for a bigger room; last year's was snug and we're expecting more Cool Stuff to show off. So, if you have a burning desire to come to Minnesota in the winter, this is your chance! Renew that passport now!

Having an awesome time here at Marscon!

Thanks to Mike, Bob and Rook for all your hard work! The Propatorium looks fantastic!!
