Probing the Rebels...


New Member

Here are some pictures of RetroSF 1/72 'Imperial Interplanetary Reconnaissance Probe''...

The above picture shows the kit parts, all 10 of them (including a two-parts stand). The casting is made by Grey Matter Figures in the UK. Here is a view of the unpainted assembled kit:

And a shot of the completed kit:

And another one 'in situ'...:

Check out the RetroSF page of RetrokiT ( more interesting bits in there!
Looks pretty cool. I think you need to fix the link though. How small is this in comparison to the 3 3/4 figures? Would love to have a more accurate probe for the figures.
I have to say for its size it looks pretty realistic in the last picture. Seems like a good kit, but your paint job certainly does its part as well. :thumbsup