Probe from TNG episode "The Inner Light"


Sr Member
I'm thinking about doing a S.S. of the Kataan probe from TNG's episode "The Inner Light" and was wondering if anyone knew the size of the original studio model. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks (in advance, lol)

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OH man, that's a great photo!!!! I KNEW it was mounted upside down for filming, lol. Do you happen to know the length? Anymore photos? Any reference material is welcome.

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Thanks for the photo. That's a nice one because you can see the detail on the top of the probe (which is what we are looking at since it was filmed upside down). Due to the apparent size of the thing I will be doing a scaled version since the wife would go crazy with a S.S. size. In any event I'll post over on the general modeling section when I get started. Anymore photos would be great!!!
