Presenting my TOS Trek Medical Communicator


Sr Member
Hey gang, I have been working on this project for some time now. I had this idea of what I thought a TOS Communicator would look like if it were designed specifically for the Medical/Science team. I don't normally care much for non-cannon props, but after seeing the white "dress comm" and the science comm, I really wanted to do my own. And something that hasn't been done before.

Before I get too much further, I need to thank a few AWESOME members here who have been instrumental in helping me make this a reality. So BIG thanks to Jayeff, FHC, and Lost in Trek. I also got a few pieces from eBay but may be replacing them.

So first off, the shells needed to be blue. So I asked Jayeff if he'd do that for me and they turned out great!! Next, I needed the the moire pattern to be like the Tricorder, so I made up the graphic in Illustrator. Printed it on white, then on transparency paper and used a plain moire ring like my MR Tricorder. Next up, I wanted to use blue rhinestones for the lights but they just didn't look right......I wanted to use the watch crowns like the Tricorder. I have some more accurate ones coming soon from Jayeff but for now, these will have to do. I had to make the lid from parts I got from FHC, solder and fit it to the body. I also had some spare Dstines screws for the back. The midplate and control panel are things I had to make by hand so they would fit perfect.

All in all, I'm very happy with how it turned out. Thanks again for everyone's help making this project come to life, you guys are awesome!!





Very interesting! The differences from the regular TOS comm are subtle, but very appropriate to what you were aiming to do.
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