Pre-serum Steve costume?


New Member
Hey guys, I am going to go to sakura-con next year, I have ordered a spun aluminum shield that I am turning into Cap's vibranium shield, I am not a big guy at all, so I cant really fill out a suit well enough to look what I would want it to look like.

I have a very similar build to pre-serum steve, I am just wondering what clothes would you guys suggest to wear, the more authentic looking the better.

I have tried my google-fu but it seems weak right now. This is going to be my first cosplay and I want to do it right.
Try getting an oversized SSR tshirt from eBay and a pair of khakis or olive green w old brown combat boots that would cover pre serum Steve at ft. Lehigh. image.jpg
if you don't want to spend mad amounts of money, buy a plain white t-shirt, oversized of course, and design the SSR logo in photoshop or download one of google. buy some transfer paper, print the design on it and just iron it on, it'll stay around 5 washings, but it's 20$^cheaper