Wrong gun. the Solo blasters were all 1896 Mausers. Some were real, and some were MGCs (replicas). What you have there is a replica of a 1936 Mauser. The grips are different, and the side details are different too. Now that version was used for an EP I blaster, so you could do that one, and have it be kind of accurate.
That said, this would still be a fun, and cheep way to do a less the accurate Solo blaster. Though, I wouldn't us really nice, heavy parts like Blast-tech, and CE sells. Wall both sellers make, perfect replica parts for a heavy gun like a Denix. I would use resin for a gun like this one. It's cheaper, and it would work better with a light weight gun like this. For resin parts, you should talk to "Wakal", I don't know if he still offers them, but back in the day you could get all the resin conversion parts you would need for any of the solo blaster for less then you would pay for one part in metal.