Damn that's very nice!
For those who have finished them, can you describe the amount of work it takes?
I realize that this may be a silly request as different skill sets will require differing amounts of time, etc. But I wonder how difficult it really is to build and if there are parts that are hell and parts that are a breeze!
Thanks everyone for the info, this is way cool!
Anyone know of any other resources to find out more about this kit (with some tutorials, maybe)? I'm still on the fence. Also, are there some reliable people out there who do builds for people who are inexperienced?
It's a dream of mine to own replicas of one Hero black and White P1/P2, one grey/bronze Hero P1/P2, on Hero comm, one dummy comm (which I'm almost done with, as I said before), and one Hero tricorder.
Here is a tutorial I did a while back that shows most of the build process. It is an amazing kit.