Places to Buy Classic Sonic Screwdriver


Active Member
Wondering if anyone had a list of places where you could buy any of the Classic (1963-1996) Sonic Screwdrivers online?

I know people are always doing runs for these on the forums, but I'm looking for acutal online stores where you can go and order them. I have searched and found two such stores and wonder if anyone can add to this list.

Here is what I have found so far (all of which are static only props):

The Who Shop:

Classic Sonic - (static prop) All Silver

Classic Sonic Screwdriver design 1

Classic Sonic - (static prop) Red Bullet (Looks like McGann sonic - only thing missing is the gold stripe, which I had painted)

Classic Sonic screwdriver design 2

Utopia Base:
Baker Sonic Replica (static prop)

Sonic Screwdriver Dr Who | * Utopia Base - Satisfy all your costume needs !

I have actually purchased all of the above, here are some group pics:




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Interesting. The model 2 from the classic who shop looks fairly slap on to the Timelord's Pocket McGann versions he made before going out of business. Good purchases all.
We ordered the lights and sound tom baker one from amazon a few weeks ago.

My wife was knitting the 18 foot long scarf a month before that... and shes STILL knitting that beast right now. She should have it done in a few days, I think.
Actually you are right.. thats just a general electronics term I used.. it actually has two different sound effects, and other than being plastic, looks spot on according to UK Who fanatics.

For about $20 shipped, it was a hell of a deal!
It has a mirror like finish and is the heaviest sonic I have by far - it feels like 2.5 pounds.

I see Utopia still sells this, just ordered one.

would like to aquire a sixteen12 Baker, any ideas on who might have one?
In 2003, I bought one of the static Sonic Screwdrivers from The Who Shop.

Since then, I have bought off eBay working replica props of the 4th Dr, 7th/8th Dr, and 9th Dr Sonic Screwdrivers.
So has anyone been able to compare the UtopiaBase sonic to the Russrep version? Or has anyone taken the time to scrutinize it closely to see how it measures up to the real prop?

I've ordered a few things from Utopia Base in the past and I've had very positive experiences. I've got a few sets of Tardis keys and a Jedi belt from there and they're great items for the price.
So has anyone been able to compare the UtopiaBase sonic to the Russrep version? Or has anyone taken the time to scrutinize it closely to see how it measures up to the real prop?

I've ordered a few things from Utopia Base in the past and I've had very positive experiences. I've got a few sets of Tardis keys and a Jedi belt from there and they're great items for the price.

I don't really see how you'd compare a static sonic to a fully slider operable sonic. They just don't really compare and if you use a Russ sound's just comparing different animals at that point. As far as I can tell, overall dimensions and build style it doesn't compare much to the real prop outside of basic looks. The original prop used pins to hold the emitter together, Utopia uses screws with very visible screw heads in the halo. The body is more like the Sixteen12 sonic than anything dimensionally and...that's it. It's a solid chunk of polished steel for a grip. For the price, if you want a solid pound of steel in your pocket it's wort it. It's a budget thing and you get what you pay for though in trms of that, it's not as bad as some.
Ah. I figured it didn't extend but I couldn't tell if the slider moved or not.
I'll just wait for a new RussRep version to come out. It would be worth the extra $40-$50 for an accurate replica with sound.
Ah. I figured it didn't extend but I couldn't tell if the slider moved or not.
I'll just wait for a new RussRep version to come out. It would be worth the extra $40-$50 for an accurate replica with sound.

I can't say I don't think the Utopia sonic isn't worth it though. It's not bad looking all things considered and for the price even I'd go for it for a first time sonic.

Russ' sonics though, with a little work really fit the part despite minor inaccuracies here and there. Check this out:


With the exception of the penlight those sonics are all RB Replicas that I modded out for even more accuracy...well, except for the McGann sonic. That one was pretty accurate as is. It costs a little bit and you need to know what you're doing, like making sure to order powder coat instead of anodized but in the end they really fit the part.