Pittsburgh Comicon - Costume pics

Bizarro Lois

Sr Member
Here's my finished Ma Hunkel as Red Tornado, my husband as the Sandman, and our friend John as the Golden Age Flash. Personally, I was very happy with my costume. We weren't able to finish Nate's waistcoat in time for this con, because of a family emergency. So he went without it, but still looked awesome. No one else seemed to notice, so we just assumed that Wesley must have gone out on patrol without it once in a while :unsure He'll be wearing it for the Baltimore Comicon though. Flash actually put the boots together himself, and we made a last-minute run to the JoAnn fabric store, conveniently located across the parking lot from the Convention Center, to keep them on his feet. He just wore jeans and the DC Direct Jay Gerrick t-shirt with and Alter Egos helmet, provided by the very kind Larry.

There are additional pics of our costumes, as well as some other people we ran into, on my Photobucket.
Holy buckets. I walked past you guys getting dressed in the parking lot. We walked over to Toys R US searching for Marvel figures. I was a foot from you. Wish I'd known. Coulda talked RPF.
I'll add pics of the gas gun at some point, because I know some of you were asking about it. I'll probably just put it in the original Sandman WiP thread. I meant to get some closeups to post, but time just flew. Unfortunately, Nate dropped it in the parking lot and the washer broke off as we were leaving. I managed to find it on the ground, but will have to repair it. I used JB Weld to attach it. Is there something that would work better?