Pirates of the Caribbean

Love to see a paper prop from one of the movies...

Btw: What about the letter of marque @ Savvy?!?

You always want to do a second run of the leather sheets WITH letter of marque...
To push this thread a little bit ;) i want to share my work in process pics of "my" Letter of Marque :)

The letter-head has been completely redrawn by myself, according to what "i see" in the available screenshots. The text itself i found here at TheRPF (user PhoenixVader, Thread http://www.therpf.com/f40/previous-free-paper-prop-threads-67652/index69.html, page 69, Post # 1714).

I know that the fonts are not correct by 100% but i think they are still looking (very?) close. what you think?




Any comment and critics ?
i love it, its amazing, and i want it right now lol
seriously well dune its really a lovley work if you want to share with me i would be eternally gratefull
Excellent work on this. Very nice. I have seen a few of these on the "bay". This is an awesome reproduction of the one from the movie. I have a leather wallet for it I bought some time ago.

What are the dimensions of this? My wallet is about 8 inches x 11.5 inches.

I would love to have one of these. I also know some pirates that would like this. He dresses up as Cpt Jack and goes to Comic Conventions, parties and historic reinactments.

Thanks kid and DB :) Happy that you like it.

The dimensions are about 28 cm x 39,5 cm. At the time finished i will go to
make this available for free. So check back regularly for updates ;) (not sure
when i can finish it...but shouldn't take that long ;) )
wow that looks beautiful, your work on this is amazing. and your thinking giving it away for free wow you rock
Thanks for your feedback guys :) Glad you like it.....

and as stated before....

At the time finished i will go to
make this available for free. So check back regularly for updates ;) (not sure
when i can finish it...but shouldn't take that long ;) )

cheers :cool
Wow, looks great, MurdocXXL. I'll have to get myself an A3 printer, it seems. Many props just don't fit an A4 anymore ;-)
Wow, looks great, MurdocXXL. I'll have to get myself an A3 printer, it seems. Many props just don't fit an A4 anymore ;-)

Or you could just go down to the local office supply/printing store and have them print it up for ya for a couple of dollars/pounds/euros/etc.
Thanks guys...

@redcarl... its simply aged with coffee and wallnut-ink (made myself from dry walnut shells... you get those from pharmacies/drugstores. Simply soak them with water and filter, after the ink is as dark as you like it. spray the ink on the paper. You also can use the dry shell to make dots. Put them on the wet paper. Its a little bit of trail and error ;) )

Although i think, for this paper prop, the aging isn't realy neccessary. The Letter should have been new, at the time issued and handed out ;)
Hi MurdocXXL I know this is really rude as you are working on it when you can so please dont hate me, but any idea when you may complete this i am totally obsesed with it and want to get it up in my appartment right now.