Phantom Prophet's Iron Man Helmets


Active Member
Hi, I'm ThePhantomProphet, and here in the big boys forum, trying to show off my work. I come from sectionsixteen. Here are some pics of what I've been doing. You May have seen some of these pics before, but thats because I work real closely with MasterLe247. . . but this is what i do to add to his costume making.


this is the initial sculpture pics i took. The helm was hand sculpted, and took close to 2 months to finish


This is a pic of the helm after we painted it chrome, giving it the MarkII look
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Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

You know lots of people are gonna be interested in this...any chance of it showing up in the junkyard? :D
Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

Very sexy. And awesome sharpness for a hand sculpt! Me wants it!
Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)


Not that this is recent news, but my friend master Le and I were able to get a casting done of the helm... this is one of the first raw casts
Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

now that we have casts done I wanna make me a actually working helm, lighted eyes and stuff. one i can take and wear to the movie release. so i plan to post WIP pics of me doing that.
Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

Looking good, please share the sculpting photos with us.
Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

:lol:lol:lol Too funny.

Nice lid, little narrow on the lower faceplate and jaw for my taste but nice none the less. :thumbsup

thanks. i tried to make the I M helm my own yet still be true to the movie. I saw your work... and i love it. great how you got your helm sectioned. I made mine as a one piece. fits pretty good considering i have a fat head. lol
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Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

As requested by TMP, i thought i'd post pics of the helm during its sculpt phase. so these are old pics for me but new to you

Re: Iron Man Helmet (hand sculpted)

wow i need a magnifying glass to see those 0.5 megapixel pics. but very nice nonetheless.