Part ID help: tank experts, you're up!

Rhett J Martin

Sr Member
Need to know what kind of tank tread this is?
Anyone got an idea?


Thanks in advance!
CRAP- my buddy Gene just signed off for the night, but he could probably tell you not only the make and model, but the year it was made from that pic.

Those are the old T156 "angle block" treads found on the 105mm M1 and M1IP series M1 tanks; the newer variants from the late 80's to earlier 90's switched patterns over to the "square block" T158 track patterns...
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That's the newer tread on the M1 tanks I believe... The early 80's M1 and M1IP tanks had T156 treads, those look like the T158 early to mid 90's pattern...

Well the prop in question is from a 1989 production, so I'm guessing it's a more vintage pattern tread, unless it was modified post production...

Edit I see gunnerk19 edited hit post and confirmed that...
Gotta look over my pics...

Hotshot, no driving pics, but this is me with my crew...

I'm the good looking sumbioch kneeling next to the main gun tube...
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